Comment marketing, the trend of leaving comments on blogs and websites across the internet, sounds like a product of a bygone era. Look around the online marketing world today and like many hot trends of yesteryears, this fad has died a cold, premature death. However, it seems like this method of digital marketing was only in the dormant phase for some years. Today, comment marketing is suddenly finding takers and jostling around with new-age means of marketing online. There is a reason why we are talking about it now, in this day and time.
For starters, you know the benefits of comment marketing, especially if you belong to the initial days of online marketing. You also know that a major reason why leaving comments faded out is that people were abusing and overusing it. Comments became spam and there were automated software to post comments on infinite number of blogs and websites. People did not take these comments seriously and that is why no one clicked on links embedded in the comments sections. Finally it was not worth the resources anymore and the method slid off the cliff.
This is also the reason why this method is now coming back into the arena. Because no one is doing it today, you can start off doing it and reap the benefits as well! It’s as simple as that. The benefits, if you look closely, have multiplied.
Today, your very profile for leaving comments is a link in itself. You can attach the profile to your social media pages across the spectrum. Additionally, you can leave links in the comments section. The online market is not saturated with these comments at present so people are more willing to click on the embedded links. There is the extra impetus as people are more reliant on user reviews than ever before.
In short, comment marketing is back with a bang! As with the previous time, you need to be careful about this tool in order to pick up benefits from this method. Here are some pointers to keep you on track:
How to do effective comment marketing?
How to do comment marketing effectively? Reap the benefits of getting high quality mentions & back links through effective blog comment marketing. Find below the steps how to do comment marketing (Comment Marketing Guide)
Topicality Matters
Try not to speak on topics that are not associated with your domain of business or interest. People are more aware than ever about their rights as a netizen. They are not going to tolerate flippant comments and views, more so if you are not in the know of such things. Talk on topics where you are qualified to speak.
Research Platforms
You cannot possibly attach comments everywhere and anywhere you like. You need to be sparingly visible in order for people to take you and your views seriously. Conduct a thorough research on the platforms where you can voice your views. If you are choosy about platforms, people will recognise that you are not a glib talker but quite wise with words.
Give due credit
You are leaving comments on someone’s work. Leave comments by expressing your respect and gratitude for the written piece where you are commenting. Even if you differ from the views expressed in the piece, you can always be respectful and put your views with studied professionalism. This should not turn into a mud-slinging exercise by any stretch of the imagination.
Add something new
There is little point in reiterating the points and arguments put forth by the writer of the blog or web content in your comment. Instead, think of something unique and new to add to the existing material. It can be a continuation of the points in the original blog post. It can be a counter-argument. When you do that, people reading the blog post or web page will find your appended comment worth reading. If you make sense, they will click on links embedded in your comment or simply go to your profile from the comment box.
Write well
It may be a comment box but it holds much importance for you. Write your comment well, edit it and format it properly. Your comment will be what you are to these diverse groups of readers. Make a strong, favourable impression if you want them to pay attention to your business or website.
Ironical as it may sound, leave a comment with your views on this subject!
Do’s & Don’ts of Comment Marketing
Comment Marketing Tips
The Do’s
- Write meaningful comment.
- Write your own real name in name field.
- Write relevant comment to the subject.
- Add value to your comment by putting real opinions or insights or information.
- Add your own uniqueness. Be if wit, controversy, agreement, different perspective.
- Refer other commentators, reply & connect.
The Don’ts
- Do not spam with promotional links blindly. Add value.
- Do not write just generic comment without reading the article.
- Do not put hate speech or harsh words even if you do not agree. You can write it in a better way.
- Do not use automated software to comment.
- Do not push yourself hard to differentiate do-follow or no follow. If you write good comment that has value, can give you good traffic and popularity in long run.
- Do not use your brand name or company name in name field of the comment box. People love connecting with other human beings, not entity or object.
Does Blog Commenting Really Help in SEO?
Many people may debate on this. Also whether as a blogger or site owner you will keep comments on or off that depends on your choice. But here I feel that comments are the essence of a blog post. Also as a site owner you have full control to prevent spam or edit the comment. But keeping a blog comment box will help your users to communicate with you well. Also with good comments, you will get more user generated content on your blog that may help you in getting better keyword ranking in search engine results page.
Correlation between blog commenting and SEO
I will share here some statistics how blog commenting helps in SEO. Neil Patel once shared on his post about these data that can give you useful insights. Overall, he found that the comments section brought in 16% of all search traffic. That’s not at all bad.
Though hubspot study says there is no correlation between the number of comments and the number of views that blog post gets. But as per my own experiment to find out the correlation between number of blog comments and search ranking, I have seen blog posts with more number of quality comments get better search ranking. The quality of the comments is important here.
How to build your comment marketing strategy?
- Determine your goals – Back links? Traffic? Influence build up? Engagement?
- Plan out the measurement metrics – Referral visit in Google analytics or backlinks in search console
- Identify list of websites for engagement
- Thoroughly research about the topics, content, author’s opinions, jot down your own points.
- Create comment alert system via subscription to the blog or google alert with specific keywords or topics
- Use social media to share or amplify your comment.
- Put comment thought provoking so that it attracts more users to engage.
This is Time We Out-grow Comment Spamming
This is Time We Out-grow Comment Spamming. There is hardly anything more thankless than comment moderation.
Starting from news sites to all marketing spaces, all site owners are happy to do away with the tiny little space for comment that is often filled with the most grotesque and irrelevant write-ups or links. The unprovoked thin comments or pushed links can be put with good intentions, but they surely do not add any value to the discussion thread.
It is difficult to resist the temptation of spamming, no matter how detrimental its result seem to be. Nonetheless, there are inflammatory comments that despite being relevant to the topic, are unkind to the writer or his views. Even the most talented and experienced of writers experience bitterness through such comments during their lifetime.
There is hardly anything more thankless than comment moderation. No matter how strong and difficult barriers are erected, spammers seem to find their ways into the comment section of a particular write-up. It consumes valuable time to do the moderation process.
If negative comments are dangerous why should we retain the comment section in blog?
- Initially, commenting secured its space on the blog pages. People started learning the art of commenting from each other, they depended on one another for detailed information on a matter, they created a network while cultivating and nurturing a relationship through similar or conflicting ideas.
- Google says comments are great for SEO and it can never be wrong. A healthy communication among the readers definitely establishes a site’s quality. This way, comments became part and parcel of quality and informative content.
- There have been spam comments since the very first day when the first blogger would probably have thought of putting their ideas on the keyboard. Why on earth do they bother writers anymore? It is all the sweat and efforts of the writer that makes that makes it painful for allowing meaningless links finding place in the comment section. It can be annoying to the author who pours his heart and soul into the write-up. He can never allow a slew of vultures to spot the space for putting a link.
- Initially, the writers were more than happy to garner positive criticism in the form of comments. Pertinent questions were asked with more zeal. Some engaging ones even challenged the value and a few ideas placed by the writer. They attracted more upvotes to remain at the top of the least for a considerable time. There are a few solutions to these problems.
- Comment moderation is one effective idea that helps clearing off the queues up elements that you do not want below your effective work.
- If every comment becomes subject to approval, only good and effective ones will remain in the line.
- Closing the comment section might put an end to the trouble completely. However, that can never be a viable solution as it would shut the door on multiple quality comments and some effective points.
Bottom line is, the comment section always had potential to nurture fantastic content for overall good of the industry.
- The discussion question in the comment section can be considered as the gem to spark and infuse life into the complete conversation. The reader should see that question right after reading the content and feel like engaging himself in the discussion procedure.
There might be a need to…
- Stay up till midnight for comment moderation
- Try to guess the identity of the author
- Publish the comment
- Thumb-up the discussion question to make it stay on top of the comment thread
All these procedures require a lot of manual work.
- Something that seems to be spam to me might not be the same to another reader. Judging the quality of comments is a completely subjective theory that demands subjective analysis.
- Discussion questions not only collect a whopping number of upvotes but help trigger analytical reviews that more readers feel tempted to contribute in. Naturally, the comment thread gets a strong foundation and easy growth through such questions.
Despite all the efforts made, comment spammers can still be spotted at every corner. Even the most delicious mug of coffee leaves grounds at the bottom and probably that is the element which make us crave for another cup to wash off the residue.
Successful Blog Commenting Is Helpful In Getting Higher Page Rank or Page Authority (PA)
Blog commenting is one of the best important means for SEO link building.Marketing plus endorsement is vital if you wish your blog to obtain a high traffic.
Blogging has lots of ins and outs, which you will find out as you start blogging. The most important thing in relation to a blog is that the comments segment and the total amount of input there is a positive sign of the triumph of your blog. Whether the comments on a blog are gracious or rude, whether they are supportive or contradictory with you; somehow, someway you have made visitors feel the need to leave a remark or comment.
But, the most important thing for you is to choose the right blog. Always choose the blog, which has innovative and resourceful headlines, which are contentious and invoke thought. If the blog you choose has simple and inactive topic, leave it. Your selected blog need to be instructive as well as instructional. It is vital for you to check the list of visitors on the blog. If the blog is getting good (positive) response and has a long list of visitors, you can choose it.
Blog comments are one of the best and important means for SEO link building. Marketing plus endorsement is very necessary if you wish your blog to obtain a high volume of visitants.
After choosing your favorite blog, you can start commenting on it. The majority of blog writers wish their visitors or readers to take part through commenting, so having individuals post remarks on the topics is normally a fantastic thing. The blog writers must allow visitors add more content to their blog, which, in turn, help the blog to gain a better SEO. The blog is nothing without reader input. With the help of the straightforward guidelines, blog writers can raise the possibility of their comments being interpret and taken in a serious manner, and cheer blog authors to keep writing helpful and appealing articles. Before start commenting on a blog you chose, you must:
- Interpret any subsisting comments initially. Take additional care to understand any comments recorded by the author, as they tend to elucidate the blog content.
- Append value to the conversation. Consider whether what you’re going to tell will truly be of use to other people reading your remark.
- Keep away from small or two-word comments.
- No signatures, please. Blog posts aren’t mailing lists or discussion forums.
- Stay well-mannered and polite.
Comment posting is free of charge and trouble-free to do. Besides, comment posting can also fabricate top quality links, which supplies page rank as well as traffic. Keep in mind that blog comments are frequently described as the livelihood of a blog.
There are also blog commenting tools, which you have to keep in mind. Always pick the blog commenting tools, which will assist you and help you attain your objectives more quickly. Some of the blog commenting tools are:
- Automated Blog Commenting Tools
- Manufacturing Backlinks
- Stolen or Hacked Links
- Putting up 10-20 comments with links every day
- Guest Blogging
You should be very very careful while using blog commenting softwares. It’s not recommended. Manual natural blog commenting is the best & recommended option.
How to do blog commenting?
- Set Up Your Gravatar Account
- Find Out the Relevant Blogs for Commenting (Domain level relevant & page level relevant blogs)
- Use backlink analysis tools for PA & DA of the chosen blogs (Also analyze spam score, citation flow, trust flow etc. )
- Use Google search operators to do a refined search to find the most relevant blogs (For example, if you are searching digital marketing blogs, you can search with this intitle:digital AND intitle:marketing inurl:blog
- Follow the Do’s & Don’ts of blog commenting
- Record your blog commenting links to check back if approved or not.
User Interaction – How to Get Conversation in the Comments Section Going While You Blog
Maintaining a blog is an exciting but challenging task. In the current age of diminishing reader interest and aggressive online competition, getting visitors to actively contribute to and comment on your blog is perhaps one of the more exigent challenges. Here are a few pointers on how best to increase user interaction through the comments section of your blog:
1. Simplify the Comments Procedure
The simpler you make it for users to have a say, the greater will be the number of comments generated. Therefore have a simple comments procedure wherein users are spurred to interact sans impediments like registration formalities, long-winded text boxes, and jargon. This ease of commenting will definitely prompt visitors to comment more, more often, and – importantly – faster.
2. Frame a Comprehensive Comments Policy
At the outset, possessing a comments policy is imperative. Having formulated the comments policy, you ought to make it exhaustive and keep it as uncomplicated as possible. Your policy should:
a) Explain the comments procedure thoroughly, unraveling any tricky steps along the way.
b) Elucidate your tough stance on decent, unprejudiced, and healthy conversation.
c) Be strict about spam rules.
Not only would these steps engender more comments, they will also help keep unwarranted remarks at bay.
3. Encourage Comment Making Explicitly
As a blog owner, it is incumbent on you to adopt a very active approach. Thus simply having a discrete comments section is not sufficient; you should energetically and explicitly encourage comments through your blog posts as well. Seeing these conspicuous invitations would propel more users to comment and thus improve conversation.
4. Host Appealing Content
In order to attract maximum user participation, your blog should be suffused with absorbing content. Recommendations in this regard:
a) The content must be vigorously kept error-free and unbiased at all times with a special focus on appropriate language.
b) Your blogs posts must feature topical, thought-provoking, and engaging material triggering more people to air their views.
c) Tricks like compelling language, having stimulating queries as titles, and abridging blog posts can greatly assist in bringing in supplementary comments and sparking conversation.
d) Sometimes it pays to host polemic subjects to invite impassioned and increased comments; however you must tread with caution to avoid sensationalizing any issue.
5. Adopt Modesty and Civility
You would do well to be as unpretentious and considerate as possible; these qualities should reflect in all your blog posts and dealings thus:
a) You must write with adequate authority never appearing to be condescending or supercilious at any time.
b) Accepting your mistakes gracefully is a worthy practice. Therefore you ought to acknowledge errors such as grammatical gaffes and inadvertent factual inaccuracies with humility and promise to redress them forthwith.
c) Never react angrily to any adverse comments. Instead recognize the literary freedom of the user and express your response tactfully.
d) Similarly you ought to praise well-framed comments publicly.
6. Participate Enthusiastically Yourself
Your comments section should not be restricted to external participation alone – it should also host your active involvement initiating conversation and replying to the various comments contained therein.
The above actions and approach will manifest your blog in a positive light yielding more comments.
Blog Commenting Tips from Google’s Matt Cutts
When Matt Cutts offers tips and suggestions on something to do with Google and SEO, you have to sit up and take notice. After all, he’s the face of the think tank that takes Google forward and comes up with decisions and policy changes from time to time.
You have to keep in mind what he’s talking about and pick up the lines of his thought. Recently, Matt Cutts shared some views about the age-old art of blog commenting. Pasting comments on relevant blogs in your domain of business is a much used and abused SEO function. Here are some ways to do it right, straight from the desk of none other than Matt Cutts!
His primary concern about blog commenting is that it must not be a source of getting backlinks. Many SEO companies and teams depend upon blog comments that they paste all over the internet to get them online traffic. That, according to Cutts, is a completely off key thinking and planning.
He encourages SEO executives to look for other avenues of getting backlinks that are authentic and does not rely on manipulations. There is much rationale to back up what he’s talking about. Google is inching closer every day to weed out all foul play from the SEO scenario. The Penguin and Panda updates have taken care of content duplicity, if you care for an example.
With blog commenting too, they want authentic blog comments on blogs, not doctored posts that are packed with backlinks and keyword optimization. Matt Cutts informs us that he makes several blog comments when he thinks he should talk about his view, or some policy is being misinterpreted or misread.
In such cases, he puts them up with a personal name tag leading to his own web or blog page. The name of the company he represents does not come into the picture. That is something that he advises us to do as well: make blog comments with actual names instead of online avatars or website names. This kind of blog commenting convention will help to get rid of automated comments or those done simply for the sake of online visibility and backlinks.
Great article! thanks for sharing with us
Thank you Sneha
Comment Marketing has made a new era to organize more digital marketing, isn’t it?
Great post. I used to have so many questions about comment marketing. But after reading your post, my all concepts are clear. Thank you for sharing with us.
Digital Marketing helps in processing large amount of data chunks through which organizations derive significant value and modern workable solutions catering to their respective market.
Thanks Venkatesh
Gaining relevant traffic through referral channel has always been a challenging. Blog commenting does help in improving SEO ranks.
Agreed. Thanks Kavita for your comment.
Very interesting post. Thanks for the post. This is my first-time visit here. I fount so many interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion.
Thank you
Great post. I used to have so many questions about comment marketing. But after reading your post, I completely how to do it. Thank you so much
Thank you SEA.
Your article contains very valuable information. Lucky me I discovered your site by accident, and I am stunned why this twist of fate did not happen earlier! I bookmarked it and will wait to read the other new blogs. Really informative blog.
Thanks Priya
Really appreciate your blog content on comment marketing. A proper comment marketing strategy can help a business to get more traffic, good backlinks & better search ranking.
Yes agreed. Thank you.
These were some really insightful words right there. But what are your thoughts on coronavirus changing things for the digital marketers? What are your thoughts on that?
I would love to hear your thoughts on coronavirus affecting the digital marketing industry.
Thanks! :)
Priyanka, this is a good question. For me, marketers should be really “sensitive” during #covid-19 lockdown while they run ads.
Remarketing may be stopped (It will be bit pushy this time). I am not against stopping ads completely nor I agree running ads desperately. Few things depend on the specific industry trends also. Like in time of crisis or economic slow down, if you desperately push an ad to sell a very costly jewellery, that will not really work.
More focus can be put into soft social ads now ( facebook ads & instagram ads) Further a blend of good, informative, engaging, motivational, funny or sensitive content can be posted. It can be video, images, infographic.
Even marketers can participate in engaging comment marketing practice by putting relevant & thought provoking comments on other related blogs. They can also engage themselves in educational or mass-awareness related content.
I have written an exclusive post here – https://www.7boats.com/digital-marketing-strategies-in-post-covid-19/
Thank you :)
Your article contains very valuable information.
Thank you very much… I really appreciate it. Do you have any guide for the Technical SEO Audit?
Thank you Malik. You can read check few good SEO tools here – https://www.7boats.com/academy/tools/
Your content is very important.it will help a lot in working out. thank you so much for sharing this content.
I am SEO And SMM Expert
Thank you Mohadev .
Your article contains very valuable information.
Thank you very much… I really appreciate it. commenting content helped a lot
keep posting
Thank you Lucy. Yes for me also, comment marketing helped a lot. If you add value with your every comment, definitely you will get traffic to your website as well as real people will know your name that would help greatly in long run.
I really appreciate your efforts in explaining such a great topic which everyone should be aware of. Blog commenting is important for generating traffic on your website and it also helps to contribute good content as well.
Thank you Sahil. Yes agreed. Comment marketing helps in generating website traffic plus with more and more comment in your content, you can get more user generated content through user comments.
Thank you for the comment marketing post and I learned basics of online marketing and thanks for sharing.
Thank you Manjunatha
Thank you for your valuable tips. Can you please suggest something for local seo?
Hello Glen, Thank you for your comment. Please check our article here for Local SEO (Tools & Tips for Local SEO) – https://www.7boats.com/5-top-tips-for-local-seo/
Tackling the adverse comments is the trickiest part for me. People will criticize and hate for no reason at all on the web. But you mustn’t lose your cool. Because it is not your name but your brand’s name that will get spoiled if you retaliate. Still learning how to tackle those negative comments. Thanks for writing and sharing this, Debajyoti!
Thank you Praveen for your comment. Yes that response part to the negative comment is tricky. I personally feel the tone of the response must be taken care of so that it does not sound like retaliation. It should be in a calm, firm & assertive note showing a willingness to sort out the issue(Grievance control reply). If the negative comment is intentionally made by the user just for harassing, then authoritative neutral or legal reply is needed.
Mindset is very important when comment marketing. At the core of your comment marketing is the mindset of providing value first and foremost. Making sure that your comment has something that will help the readers will surely help you with your goal whether you’re doing it for traffic, authority, etc.
By the way thanks for sharing such important information it will help me alot.
Thank you Salman. I second you on that mindset to provide value first & foremost in comment marketing. Comment spamming or just generic comment will not help much. Comment with real good value will also get better approval chance.
Very useful blog. It helped me a lot in optimising my site and in growing my business. Thanks. Keep updating
Thank you Ansh
There are different views on whether effective blog commenting can bring some real value to a blog or website. Some say posting comments on blogs is an excellent way of attracting visitors’ attention. There are others who believe blog commenting as a marketing strategy is a complete waste of time.
Let me first genuinely admit that I am a great supporter of leaving comments on niche blogs. And let me back it up why I find commenting an effective marketing strategy.
Commenting on blogs brings benefits because –
It adds value to a blog post.
It helps you connect with potential bloggers.
It helps you establish your expertise.
It leads to discussions (which help you find the truth).
It makes you an active member of the blogging community.
It helps you build links (if you comment on do-follow blogs).
It drives indirect visitors to your blog or website.
It motivates you.
Most importantly, Blog commenting is a lot of fun. By being an active commenter, you don’t only motivate yourself as a blogger, but motivate others to click the link (posted in your comments) and have a look at your blog.
Thank you Mclain for your comment. I second you what you have written about blog commenting.
Thanks for sharing your experience on blog commenting. It will help me in my seo work thanks for Sharing.
Thank you Guru. Best wishes for your SEO work
Nice blog. The most important part as per my opinion is Do and Donts while commenting the blog. Please let us know if there is any other information regarding comments.
Thanks for posting.
Thank you Nidhi for your comment. Yes, do and don’ts are the most important thing to strictly follow in effective comment marketing.
Hi DEBAJYOTI BANERJEE , You shared benefits of comment marketing & The post is very useful for the freelancers. Thanks you please update more information related comment market benefits.
Thank you
I study different types of marketing, this article was useful for me, thanks a lot for the article!
Thank you Lia that you find these comment marketing tips useful.
I study different types of marketing, this article about Comment Marketing was useful for me, thanks a lot!
Thanks Lia
This is very helpful post for me, As I do comments on blogs sites and now I learned few points from this blog what we need to do and what we don’t need to follow.
Thank you
is no-follow comment back link is beneficial for the link building? is there any good of it.
Many people may debate on this and will say no follow is of no value and only do follow will give you SEO benefit. But as per my experience and experiment, I can say confidently that to Google it hardly matters whether it’s a no follow or do follow, whatever technical meaning it may have but actually Google loves to see BRAND TRUST- the biggest ranking factor is brand trust . If you get even a natural contextual nofollow link from a trusted high authority website, it really matters a lot in ranking. Thank you for your comment.
A Superb Post. I will say this post has everything about digital marketing and the person looking for it need not have to search anywhere else. Further, I must say Mr. Banerjee has made very deep study on digital marketing. Thanks for writing such a superb article for the readers, especially the SEO beginners on 7boats.com. I think the overall post is superb and love to read the future updates on related topics.
Thank you Gaonkar
This is seems to be a great info thanks for sharing with us. Would like to some more interesting post like this.
Thank you
I think that no-follow and do-follow backlinks both are important because. we should focus both type of backlink.
Thank you for your comment. Yes both do follow and no follow backlinks are important for SEO. So while blog commenting , one must not be obsessed with only dofollow back link
Nice blog. I love to read an article about digital marketing. You provide new content that is comment marketing. It is also part of digital marketing, a comment should be conceptual and good in content.
Blog commenting or comment marketing is an integral part of digital marketing. But blog commenting for SEO is an art. It should be done correctly to get the maximum benefit. Thank you for your comment.
can you please tell me how Digital marketing is more beneficial then Traditional marketing for local businesses
Hi Willis thank you for your comment. For local businesses traditional marketing, you need to be involved in telecalling, hoarding & bill board, print or local TV or radio Ad or events which are quite costlier than digital media whereas in digital media, you can quickly setup your business on Google My Business or Google Places (Free), you can submit your business in various local yellow pages or listing websites, you can even setup shop with your Facebook pages and if you can manage to do them by yourself, no cost is involved. Further if you run local ads on Google or Facebook, the cost is far less than that of traditional media.
I really like that you touched on not spamming any content too much to get your website out there. My spouse and I are trying to build up a new online site this year so that we can grow our business. We need to work with professionals to make sure our marketing campaigns work properly.
Yes Viggo, spamming is not marketing. You have do do blog commenting tactfully to get the SEO benefit. Adding value with your comment is the most important thing and yes experienced professionals and right digital agencies can help you to run an effective digital marketing campaign.
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing.
Thank you Vikas
So beautiful and nice dog
Thank you
This is very useful and I must say it is great content. To be honest comment marketing is very useful, only if you share something useful content, and people should love this.
Yes blog commenting is helpful in SEO only if you share something useful and relevant with the context of the post.
Great Post !! Big thanks for sharing this post and providing in details information.
Thank you
hey! i really liked your post that how the trend of commenting on blogs are going and you explained what to do and not to do by doing this blog commenting and this is really helpful blog.
Thank you. We are glad that you liked our post about blog commenting dos and donts
Very nice information sharing for blog commenting and it’s tactics
Thank you Akash
Wow such a mind-blowing comprehensive deep detailed blog post it has the huge value for people who are interested or already in the digital marketing field
Thank you Ashraf
A newbie like me in Digital Marketing never thought nor was taught about the importance of comments in the blogs. Nor the relation of Comments on blogs and SEO. This article gives me a thorough analysis of how comments in a blog can improve the ranking of websites. Also, it teaches me how to comment on anybody’s website.
Excellent job Debajyoti Bannerjee. Keep it up.
Thank you Anurag for taking your time out for this comment.
Comment marketing is definitely a useful technique. your article is really valuable, I always follow your techniques thanks allot
Thank you
very nice, really like your blog
Thanks Pintu
really appreciate brother i love this blog commenting tips
Thank you Anurag
nice lines and very easy to understand your articles thanks for sharing
Thank you Sandeep
Enjoyed reading the article above , really explains everything in detail,the article is very interesting and effective. I have also a good tools for seo and their services.
Thank you Kane. Glad to know that you also have good tools for SEO. You can check our SEO tools here – https://www.7boats.com/academy/tools/
Very informative, Great Post!
Thank you
what a good explanation. this article is very informative and easy to understand. thanks for this one. keep sharing your ideas.
That’s an amazing post, very helpful and informative blog commenting tips. thank you for sharing
Thanks Dipak
Thanks for sharing information it is very useful for us.
Thanks Matt
This is truly amazing post to learn about vivid concept of digital marketing. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Jacob
thanks for the valuable content and effort you put into everything you do. This guide is wonderful. Thank’s again for share
Thanks Nabila
Really its a great article you have shared each and every thing of digital marketing clearly. Thanks for this informative article.
Thank you Asa
wow!!!! I am really amazed with your blog so much in-depth information
Thank you Emon
This is a superb blog site. I find many informative messages from this site. Thank’s a lot for sharing.
Thank you Emon
Your blogs Sir, are so detailed and well written. They are guidelines for digital marketer. Specially for young amateurs like me who want to pursue a career in Digital Marketing.
Thank you Ahana that you liked this blog comment marketing post. Keep coming back.
This blog is very help full for all digital marketer and student.we are getting the latest information after reading this blog of Comment Marketing. its is very helpfull for learners, I can upgrade my skills after reading Comment Marketing blog In 2020.
Thank you Aman that you liked these effective blog commenting tips. Hope you can properly implement them in your projects. Best wishes.
In our Traffici5 website, we are using comment marketing strategies to developing business leads and connect with customers.
I really appreciate your content about comment marketing. Relevant blogs are published frequently to get a high rank in SEO. Comment marketing strategies works awesome in our website
Comment marketing is very effective technique in digital marketing.
Thank you for your comment. Glad to know that blog comment marketing is working well for you. All the best.
Thank you! What a informative stuff to read out! It really helps me a lot!
Thank you Sahil. All the best.
thanks for sharing
Thank you
Online marketing means hiring new talents outright to run the campaigns. Plus, it will need some of your attention since you’ll be working with an in-house team. Don’t forget that it will also take resources and time to just set up the team and the campaign itself.
Thanks Jacky for your comment. What I feel that it’s not always needed to hire a team at very first go to run a digital marketing campaign (if you have shoestring budget), by learning yourself , you can start yourself and gradually can build an in-house team or hire a professional digital agency.
Nice Information
many many thanks for sharing
Thank you Proshit
It’s very much helpful to find out such a nice blog site such yours.this is really a helpful site. Thank’s a lot.
Thank you
Very nice blog, thanks for sharing with us.
Thank you
The post is really brilliant and the information is very useful. thanks for sharing such a great Blog.
Thank you
Definitely useful information. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you
Thank you so much for such a wonderful and informative blog post.
Thank you
Comments marketing is an important part of digital marketing efforts. Great that you have provided us profound information about it.
Thank you
nice post. from this post we can learn many things about online marketing and comment marketing.thanks you for inform us.
Thank you Zubayer
amazing post ,article is so good because it’s helpful to do work in digital maeketing
Thank you
i just came across this blog but believe me its a master-piece,wonderful information i think you have done a great research to write this article but simple superb article keep it up!!! but still i have a doubt that blog submission really help seo?
thanks for the wonderful information.
Thank you. Blog submission in high quality/high authority blog directory helps but at the end of the day it’s all about real branding in 360 degree perspective. The better you do it the better you get result. Google sees in helicopter view. So be it online or offline you must focus into building better product or service offering, focus more into customer delight, user experience & user engagement / positive reviews/citations along with good media coverage.
This post is nice because it helps marketing. Nowadays Comment is a good way to Digital Marketing
Thank you Mazibul
Thank you for sharing this post. This is really informative and helpful!
Thank you
Yes. Agreed. Comment Marketing is good. Thank you for sharing the articles.
Thank you
Really great information published!
Kudos to you
Thanks for the sharing, this information will definitely help me.
Thank you
Amazing article!!
Thanks Vinaya
Hello sir, Recently commenting is the most important marketing policy in the whole world. You describe clearly and step by step the commenting rules. Your article is very informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing this informative article.
Thanks for the sharing, great information published! Comment Marketing is good and this information will definitely help me.
Excellent breakdown of content / comment marketing. Some great tips for keeping things spam-free and relevant.
Thanks Jenna
very nice article ,thank u very much for sharing
Thank you Ikbal
Having an online presence is not enough. People with an affinity for a particular brand remain loyal despite new and upcoming competitors in the market. Thus, every startup business should focus on establishing its brand. The better your brand is known, the more likely people are to shop with you. So get your name out there and raise brand awareness! Whether that’s through social media marketing, effective SEO. By help of digital marketing start-up business immensely help to improve them business.
Yes Keerthi. Agreed. Digital marketing is the key for brand promotion and conversion now a days. SEO, social media, content marketing, blogging, blog comments, link building, guest posting, influencer marketing, ORM, programmatic marketing, automation, SMS marketing, WhatsApp marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Online ads, media buying all play important roles here.
The post is really brilliant and the information is very useful. thanks for sharing such a great Blog.
Nowadays Comment is a good way to Digital Marketing
Thanks Rabia
Comment marketing is too important when it comes for Off page SEO. This information helped me a lot to understand the concept of Comment Marketing .
Thank- You so much for sharing this valuable information with us.
Himanshi Mankani
Thank you Himanshi
Really amazing blog post you have written here. So much of information you have provided .
Thanks Brij
Thank you for sharing the article, Very much insightful and helpful. Keep up the good work
Thanks Anurag
Commenting is the best tactic to improve and get more leads and traffic. This blog has depth information on how commenting helps marketing. Keep posting.
Thanks Dennis
Nowadays, Digital Marketing is essential, and your article is beneficial. I know many ideas from it.
Thank you
Thanks Sam
Wishing good luck for Seven Boats.
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Thank you Md. Rashid. Best wishes .
Comment marketing is very good and helpful in SEO. Thanks for sharing such informative information.
Thanks Adam
Solid article Debajyoti! Any other blogs or articles you would recommend (to do comment marketing)?
Thank you Lasse
comment marketing has gained the value in recent time because of digital marketing scope and requirement all over in the world. Great blog buddy tells the importance of comment posting. waiting for your next blog regarding digital marketing. well done
Thank you Sumit
first of all I want to thank the admin for writing & sharing such an informative & useful article. I found so many information that is very crucial for me. I became a fan of this writing.
Thank you Alex
Great article Debajyoti!
Very informative article about blog commenting.
Thank you.
Thanks Hasibul
areticle was awesome i really enjoyed u r article its very easy to understated thanks for this valuable information with us
Thank you Vaibhav
Great read Debajyoti Banerjee! i felt that one major field is misssing that is data.since the entire digital marketing is moving on data driven marketing. please include the data part. hope to read your blog about data in future.
Thank you Prakash for your suggestion. Sure I will add the data part here. Yes data science/ Data analytics, programmatic marketing are now integral part of digital marketing.
It feels good that so many people are interested in Marketing and moreover thanks to you for your articles that inform people about the strength of digital marketing
Marketing plus endorsement is vital if you wish your blog to obtain a high traffic.
Excellent Content!
I’m glad that I came across this amazing article.
Thank you David
really informative. i finally know about comment marketing. thanks
Thanks Yug
The post is really nice and the information is very useful. It helps for a marketer to marketing. Digital Marketing is essential, and your article is beneficial to Digital Marketing. Many many thanks.
Thanks Masud
Thankyou admin …. for sharing such an relevant information on blog commenting,, it will help me lot in future.
Thank you Vishal
I love your blog posts, I think comment marketing is the future, btw thanks for sharing wonderful knowledge for us. Have a nice day.
Thanks. Have a great day
DEBAJYOTI BANERJEE your content writing flow is amazing. All the important part for the commenting is described in simple words which is really beneficial for all the beginners out there.
Would like to read more! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Brad for your encouraging words.
Thanks for sharing this information. Marketing is changing day by day and many marketing strategies become obsolete after few moths. For this you have to keep yourself updated with latest trends.
Thank you William. Yes, marketing is changing day by day and digital marketers should update themselves with the new trends and find new opportunities to do it in a better way.
Best Digital Marketing Blog And Great Information Provided bY this blog areticle was awesome i really enjoyed u r article its very easy to understated thanks for this valuable information with us
Thank you Rahul for your encouraging words.
Great article
This is very useful and I must say it is great content. To be honest comment marketing is very useful, only if you share something useful content, and people should love this.
Thanks Rahul
Your article contains very valuable information.
thank you very much……..
you can also see my blog nooramin313.blogspot.com
Thanks Noor
Nice article.!!! Thanks for sharing
Thanks Manish
The post is really brilliant and the information is very useful. thanks for sharing such a great Blog.
Nowadays Comment is a good way to Digital Marketing
Thanks Shivani
Very nicely put up. In this modern world where people are so obsessed with backlinks and engagement, they forget about the relevancy of the content. This particular content will be a great help for those fresh and young starting influencers.
Thanks Sanyam. Yes true indeed. The focus should be in understanding user intent better and giving them a fabulous user experience with relevant and useful content. Once we do that automatically the engagement comes in.
Really don’t know much about comment marketing before. After reading this post I have gained massive knowledge about a comment, Highly Appreciate your hard works.
Thanks Taylor
Thanks for sharing this kind of information. This is very useful for me. Keep sharing
Thanks for sharing this useful information. I love the way you provide info in this article and audience who will come to read or finding such information may also like it.
Thanks Priyanshu
through blog or comment we have great organic traffic and got backlink .
Thanks Dheeraj for your comment
your content is really Awesome .i really like it .i appriciate you on your good work.
Do you believe blog comment still help to rank today?
Yes it helps if you provide real value in your comment with real name, details and relevant useful reply.
Yes, high quality blog commenting with genuine author bio and company website can help in getting backlinks as well as authority for the author. In long run helps in traffic and SEO, provided the focus is on identifying good quality blogs to comment and then keep a schedule to post quality comments relevant to the topics. Thank you Samsul.
The article gave a clear direction with regards to commenting. Thanks for the Do’s and Don’t of leaving comments in a blog. I would agree that we have to give value to our comments. I believe commenting would really help a blog or website.
Thank you
Thanks for sharing this information. Comment Marketing is actually important
Keep up the good work
Thank you Swapnil
Due to so much spam comment this Do’s and Don’ts will surely help all the spammers from spamming the website and adding valuable comment.
Thank you for sharing this amazing piece of content.
Love reading!
Thank you
Thank you for this article, I was searching for some blogs to comment on instead of stumbled onto your blog and found it to be really helpful. I always had this confusion regarding the efforts I was putting towards writing blog Comments and whether they would yield any results but your article really helped me to clear it out.
Thank you Anna
The way of commenting on blog and website is not only for getting a backlink but it helps to engage with more people and help us to spread our thoughts with others.
I think it is very effective to make valuable comments on blog and website. Thanks for the idea.
Thank you Frank
I just came across your blog post and must say that it’s a great piece of information that you have shared.
This post is really helpful to understand the real meaning of blog commenting. It also helps us understand how to comment on a blog. Thanks
Thank you Dinesh
Really this is very informative and helpful for blog commenting marketers. Your title and article are very relevant. So, many many thank you.
Thank you
Hi, It’s a great post. I understood why comments are important to business? also, positive comments will help us to get more positive vibes. and I understood that we can build our backlinks. thank you for your time.
Thanks for your comment.
I don’t know my comment backlink method working or not working. How do l know my method working please guide me
Hi Amol,
For this you have to do the following way to track your comment marketing effort.
1. Maintain an excel sheet or Google sheet with blog url and comment and date with a column about status. Check the blog posts you commented to see whether the comments are approved or not. If approved, mark it in another column on the sheet with date. (Please note, follow the right do’s and dont’s of comment marketing. Put your real name and website under respective fields and not in comment body. Write useful relevant comment)
2. Once a comment is approved, check your Google search console data for the backlink. Usually after a comment is approved and your name is linked to your website, Google will show it in search console/webmaster within 3-4 months.
3. You can track referral traffic also in Google analytics to check if you are getting any traffic from your comment.
4. Check with publicly available backlink checker tool such as backlinkwatch.com. The blog/site name should be shown there once your comment is approved. (Not immediately but after some days/weeks)
very informative tips
Your blog is very helpful to understand the value of blog commenting . I think your blog contains very precious information of blog commenting. Thank you so much .
Thank you
Really this is very informative and helpful for blog commenting marketers. Your title and article are very relevant. So, many many thank you.
Thank you
Your blog is really great.
Really this is very informative and helpful for blog commenting marketers. Your title and article are very relevant. So, many many thank you.
Thank you
The way of commenting on blog and website is not only for getting a backlink but it helps to engage with more people and help us to spread our thoughts with others.
I think it is very effective to make valuable comments on blog and website. Thanks for the idea.
Thank you Soikat. Agreed.
Thank you for this article, Commenting is the one of best practice to improve and get more traffic. Keep it Up Nice and Informative Blog
Thank you Zoya
It is not only for getting a backlink but it helps to engage with more people and help us to spread our thoughts with others.And it is informative and helpful for blog commenting marketers. Your title and article are very relevant. It also helps us understand how to comment on a blog. Thanks so much.
Thank you Wahid
Thank you so much for sharing. Great article on comment marketing. All contents were expressed in a clear n simplified manner n it was meaningful too. Good work!
Thank you Fred
Internet marketing differs from digital marketing
.Internet marketing is advertising that is solely
on the Internet, whereas digital marketing can take
place through mobile devices, on a subway platform,
in a video game, or via a smartphone app.
Thank you Md Jahan. Yes Digital marketing is broader now since offline apps and mobile games/apps are also part of it and that does not always require active internet connection.
Thanks for posting the nice information! This is the new thing I heard about comment marketing. But I enjoyed reading it.
Thanks Donald
Wow! This is indeed massive and truly an insightful and comprehensive compilation. It is the best post I have ever read. I got to start applying these practices now! Thanks for sharing. :)
Thank you Jaybee
Blogging has lots of ins and outs, which you will find out as you start blogging. We need to know everything.
Thanks Jahid, Yes indeed
Does blog-commenting help in SEO is quite debatable. I personally feel blog-commenting doesn’t help in getting better keyword ranking in search engine results page. But with good comments, you will get more user-generated content on your blog and there is a chance of bringing traffic to your website.
Thank you Spike. Only quality comment on authority good traffic websites yield result.
Thank you for this valuable post it was very helpful. I really appreciate your effort. please keep us update.
Today I learned how effective comment marketing.
Your blog is very helpful for new bloger.
Comment marketing is just too important when it comes for Off page SEO. This information helped me tons to know the concept of Comment Marketing .
Thank- You such a lot for sharing this valuable information with us.
Digital Marketer Firoz
Thank you
Thank you Debajyoti for giving this descriptive article about Comment marketing. I have come across this article and I have realized that how important comments are for the website.
Thanks for sharing this article it was really very helpful.
And that is what we call a 10x piece of content! Amazing guide guys, congrats on the work!
It was really helpful article at comment marketing , I really appreciate your effort.
Thank you
It was such honest content at comment marketing.
Great article. Thanks for the information.
very informative, and easy to understand content.
Marketing has evolved, human behavior has changed, and marketers should continue . you’ll cash in of this post that contains the gathering of popular digital marketing articles around to urge the overall notion of this year.
Really appreciate your blog content on comment marketing. Blog Commenting is really helpful to get a traffic to your website
Comment marketing is really an important concept when it comes for Off page SEO. This information helped me tons to know the concept of Comment Marketing .
Thanks for sharing such a great information. I learn many things from this. Yes it was informative.
Very informative blog for comment marketing. Its a little old method but still effective. To do comment marketing like a pro one can follow simple steps.
1. Read full article and comments under it.
2. Use your real name and mention your website.
3. Make your comment stand out.
4. Write insightful and valuable comment.
Blog commenting helps in getting more traffic to your website if utilized properly.
and how does this differ from crowd marketing?
Useful article!
thanks for sharing such a great Blog.
What’s up, everything is going well here and ofcourse every one is sharing data, that’s genuinely excellent. I will be happy to learn something new from your new materials
Thanks For Sharing Great Content
Thanks for sharing this. I really appreciate you for this. I want to know about commenting on blog method. And you provide me a helpful information. Good job keep it up.
This is worth reading !! Thanks for sharing this info.
Thanks for sharing the nice information .this is very informative and helpful for blog commenting marketers. also it’ll help me in my seo work..
This is a great blog to read.
very Nice Information , this is good and informative blog about benefits of digital marketing . have learn a lot about digital marketing from your blog and from Firefly Solutions.
Really helpful for us. Keep blogging and share such good blog with us.
I never thought blog commenting would be this beneficial.
Google analyzes all the things you do on internet, your comment should be genuine, isn’t it?
In my opinion if you put valuable information in comment box than it will definitely work for your off page SEO.
Very informative! I am glad to read blogs about Digital Marketing like this and thank you for sharing this, it really helps a lot!
Great post about comment marketing and it is a good strategy in white head Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Hi Debajyoti Banerjee,
Nicely framed everything about commenting, I really enjoyed it. Being a digital marketing enthusiast, I prefer to do commenting on different blogs, but on related ones rather randomly picking anything. Keep doing great by sharing informative articles like this one.
Awesome! Digital marketing is no longer about merely adding online channels to the media mix; it is about integrating digital into all facets of marketing.
Great post! Articles that have meaningful and insightful comments are more enjoyable, at least to me. It’s interesting to read what other people thought and how it relates to them. Their perspective could possibly help me in the future.
Being a great marketing manager is all about how much empathy you have for others. A marketing manager must work well with others—whether it’s your teammates or people from other departments. “Empathy is important for the personal relationships you build with your teammates via 1:1s, coaching, mentoring, etc
Excellent Article of Comment Marketing. Comment Marketing is the best way of Marketing Business through comments. It is a part of Digital Marketing.
Nice Article. Thanks for sharing the important information.
Thanks for sharing this information. Comment Marketing is actually important
Keep up the good work
Really useful article. Know many important things about Digital Marketing.
Best blog,I am very thankful to you. Good information, it is really very helpful for me.Thanks for sharing with us. keep writing
This blog is exactly what i am looking for. I came to right place thank you so much 7boats for sharing the wonderful information about how comment marketing helps today. Keep sharing.
Your content helped me a lot to take my doubts, thank you very much.
Commenting on a blog is an art. Good comments create relations. You’re doing great work. Keep it up.
Comment marketing is growing rapidly and has become very important to grow your online business. Thanks for sharing it helped me a lot.
Nice post you’ve got here, I have learned a lot from your blog today. Thanks for sharing the valuable post.
You have written in a highly structured and systematic manner how comment marketing is an important cog in the machine in our overall content marketing strategy.
Specifically liked how appealing content always attracts more comments like bees to a flower!
This is an amazing article about comment marketing. Comment marketing is a very effective technique in digital marketing. Keep post in the future also.
Thank you for sharing such an informative article…well researched informative post on comment marketing
You write about commenting marketing which is good but digital marketing is more effective than comment marketing.
Digital Marketing is difficult and a time-consuming task. But it’s not as difficult as general people think it is. You need a little marketing knowledge before you start but one thing is for sure that even when you have become a pro, you can not rely on your memory while doing it.
Those tips are very informative for SEO. Also profile creation, social bookmarking, forum profile backlinks are helpful for SEO.
thanks for sharing great content
Digital marketing is a new age methodology for promotion, advertising reaching out to intended customers through B2B(business to business) and B2C(business to customers) business. Digital marketing mainly divided as SEO(Search Engine Marketing),SMM(Social Media Marketing),SEM(Search Engine Marketing).
In so many social or website platform like youtube etc, people always check comment to see the authenticity about a product, services or content. posting a comment to a website or any other platform which is relevant and informative is the only key to reach more attention. – Ravi from wemonde.com
Thanks Mr. Singh
Thank you for your valuable ideas. Very informative blog.
Yes you are right. Comment marketing really help brand to develop reputation and authority in the industry. I feel this blog is very informative. Thanks for sharing.
Amazing Content I did not aware of all these things. thanks for sharing with us I hope you will provide us more informative content.
Your tips are very useful and informative. Thank You
Thanks for sharing your blog this is very informative and useful for me and other internet marketing experts.
The article is really nice and it is very usefull
Thank you, your article is written and is very good and very knowledgeable for the rest of the people learning digital marketing. Everyone should read it, you are doing a great job, thanks for it.
you are the best service provider and I was satisfied with your service.
Marketing through social media truly helps any entrepreneur build authority for his brand.
Great Article. Keep Up The Good Work.
Thank you for this information.
Very informative. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this article. I was doubting if blog commenting is still effective.
Thank you for sharing your blog, seems to be useful information
Nice blog! Thanks for sharing this.
Really helpful blog. Comment marketing really helpful now a days. It helps to aware of other thoughts and perspective.
Nice message to each and everyone who is all working in digital marketing. Don’t spoil the comment marketing section by simply using all the spam or robot comments. Just give a good reply and mention your name and company name and participate in all the discussions and read all the blogs or posts carefully and give some information, If you really want to join in conversation and blog matters etc. Simply don’t allow spam and bot comments. Now comment marketing is going to establish a new brand again. Thank You for your nice and valuable Blog.
Amazing digital marketing tool blogs and helps out drive noticeable results sooner. This is very effective for all digital marketers to boost their business. All your tips and strategies are fabulous . please add more blogs
Comment marketing is really an important concept when it comes to Off-page SEO. Thank you very much for sharing this information about blog commenting. It helps me a lot. Keep sharing such a piece of knowledgeable information and update us.
Comment marketing, the trend of leaving comments on blogs and websites across the internet, sounds like a product of a bygone era. Look around the online marketing world today and like many hot trends of yesteryear, this fad has died a cold, premature death. However,
these are very valid information for those who are doing SEO,
Most peoples get confused when they trying to do both digital marketing and SEO so it would be very helpful for the users, keep sharing good work
Awesome article!
I have lots of learning from this blog.
I am waiting for this blog.
Thanks a lot.
I do not find comment marketing helpful as per my experience
digital marketing is the best way to make your career in today’ world and shine in the best possible manner
yes it is helpful
nice content thanks for sharing with us.
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You should have a strong grasp of current marketing tools and strategies and be able to lead integrated digital marketing campaigns from concept to execution. Digital marketing managers will work with the marketing team, supporting teams (such as programmers), and vendors to launch campaigns on time and on budget.
It’s a fabulous blog that is easy to understand and is very clear. I really enjoyed your blog while reading it. Thank you for sharing such valuable information.
it is a great idea to educate to give comments on blogs for users and which will help users to comment on blogs and which helps to get traffic for the website or blog.
It was a piece of very good information thank you for enlighting with your knowledge.
very useful blog