JotForm is launching the Theme Store on Dec. 15 which is an innovative peer-to-peer marketplace for online forms. The forms are created using the Form Designer, a form creator technology that allows fully customizable and potentially wildly creative forms to be made using the easy point-and-click method. The theme store gives talented designers a financial incentive to produce impressive forms, and allows JotForm users access to diverse options.
The majority of forms are completely free, however, a designer can charge if they wish. They are expected to be in the very affordable $5-$20 range. This will revamp website design and make the often boring part of a website (contact forms, e-commerce forms, etc.) into a piece of web design art.
The launch will enable not only designers, but people with no web development experience to create forms and pad their wallets. It’s a design once-get paid continuously type of deal. On the other side of the coin, all JotForm users can browse from tons of form options to upgrade their website.
We’re excited about the launch! May there never be a boring form again.
-Leeyen Rogers
VP of Marketing, Jotform