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WordPress Development Services

Expert WordPress Consultancy

Seven Boats is a Professional WordPress Web Development Company in Kolkata, India. Build a professional CMS based website with WordPress premium themes and plugins. WordPress is a popular CMS to build mobile responsive robust websites of any type including corporate websites, eCommerce websites and more.

Build Professional Websites with WordPress

WordPress is the most user friendly and the back-end is easy to use by the customers. It’s automatic updates, speed and robust security made it hugely popular in last few years. You can build the following types of websites with WordPress.

  • Blog / Magazine websites
  • Buddypress sites (Membership)
  • Corporate websites
  • Creative websites
  • Directory & Listing Sites
  • eCommrce
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Mobile
  • Non Profit
  • Real estate
  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Wedding
  • Miscellaneous

Making Content Management & SEO Easy

The use of WordPress as a platform for your content management makes the task simple and convenient. Powered by MySQL and PHP, WordPress blog and content pages have a lot of advantages over other similar interfaces.

The excellent options to create and use plugins add to the whole experience. While it is efficient in use, unless you are well-versed in WordPress, you might tend to make errors. That is where our WordPress Services come in. With the help of our WordPress experts, your content will be put up on a user-friendly interface that is dotted with rich plugins.

The success of this platform is also credited to the opportunities to modify templates easily. Our WordPress Services ensure that your blog or content page looks readable, impressive and easy to use.

A complicated template frame repels common readers. At the same time, you might find that users are not clicking on the web links that you want them to. Our WordPress service experts can work on the template and the overall layout so that users enjoy the experience of reading and spending time on your WordPress page. Our experts can tweak the page to make changes effectively. Our time saving ways get your blog up and live in a jiffy!

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Installing, setting up, tweaking and troubleshooting WordPress is a complicated and time consuming task for the beginner. It’s like you are in middle of a vast sea and don’t know the right direction!!

7Boats takes all the pain for you and guides you to move towards the right direction in a hassle-free way. It saves your time and you can just focus more on your business strategies and client relationships.

Key benefits of WordPress

  • Easy Blogging: It is popular for the easy blogging, as you do need to be tech expertise to start blogging on to your own. WordPress software does the coding for your blogging, and it does not take a lot of time for editing your content.
  • Integration of Plugins: It allows you to integrate thousands of plugins, which are available on the internet to customize you application.
  • Search Engine Friendly: WordPress can also help you to increase the ranking of your website, as most of the search engines easily fetch websites, which are powered by WordPress.
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Who use WordPress?

Almost all popular websites in this world run on wordpress. Find below a few of them.

Here are some pointers why you need our WordPress Services

  • Experienced WordPress experts handle your content management and blog. The experts understand the requirements of the users who will visit your WordPress page. The template, the designing and the content is placed in a way that makes reading more convenient for the online users
  • Search engine-friendly back-end codes and WordPress framework so that search engine crawlers can find your blog easily. Online content is of no value unless you have readers. Search engines provide that and our WordPress experts attune the needs of online consumers who look for information in your domain of work
  • Effective and efficient content management so that your online consumers are informed and updated regularly. Our WordPress Services can make room for interaction between your brand and the online consumers.

Our WordPress Consultancy Services

Apart from WordPress development, we also provide WordPress consulting services to businesses who have already a WordPress site or thinking to start a new one or facing problems with the existing WordPress setup. We usually help in WordPress installation & set up, WordPress Maintenance , Advanced WordPress Tweaking and WordPress SEO. We provide WordPress installation services for new & old users. Expert WordPress installation, design, troubleshooting, WordPress SEO and support services. Effective and powerful WordPress SEO solutions for all industries. Improve performance of your WordPress SEO by our advanced WordPress SEO tweaking services.

WordPress Installation Services

The Mechanics of a Good Content Page

There are technical areas about a good content page that writers may not be aware. So, despite having a quality content team, you might not find it easy to grab eyeballs on the Internet. What you need is a platform that can showcase your content to your online consumers.

The basic WordPress installation services of our team create that stage for your content to be displayed. A user-friendly interface is what the online visitors would look for. It is only if the page looks readable that they will study what is written. Otherwise, the effort of bringing them to the website is defeated.

Our basic WordPress installation services are conceptualized to help you build up a robust platform for your blog. The main job of the WordPress experts would be to set up the WordPress theme and template. It is based on the purpose that is going to be served.

The WordPress installation services include integrating the back-end PHP and MySQL codes so that the search engines can find your blog easily. It is through the customization of this WordPress page that you can create a distinct and unique personal identity for yourself on the Internet. We also help in creating sitemaps and integrate the blog with social media and RSS.

Some of the features of our WordPress installation services

  • Use of experienced WordPress professionals to conceptualize and create a page that serves the purpose of showcasing content. The readability factor plays the most vital role here. The WordPress theme and template is selected on the basis of the targeted online users who are expected to visit the website
  • SEO-friendly back-end operations that enable the WordPress page to be captured and displayed on major search engines like Google and Yahoo. Without online visibility, a blog cannot attain its purpose of reaching out to readers. This purpose is served by careful planning by our WordPress experts
  • An understanding of the online user’s demands from a blog page. Because the content is the most important part of a blog, our WordPress experts highlight it during the designing process.

WordPress Theme & Plugin customization

Our WordPress Development services include WordPress theme customization, PSD to wordpress, plugin configuration & many more.

Advanced WordPress SEO Tweaking Services

Get More Readers for Your WordPress Content

A WordPress page of content is useful for your online business only if it is read by netizens. Without online visibility on the search engines like Google and Yahoo, your WordPress blog cannot perform to its required potential.

You need advanced WordPress SEO tweaking services to combat this lack of Internet visibility. SEO, or search engine optimization, will ensure that your WordPress is easily picked up by the crawlers of the search engines. When that happens in the favor of your brand, you are sure to make it to the top ranks of the search results.

Online research has proved that users generally do not look beyond the first search results page. Our advanced WordPress SEO tweaking services works on the back-end operations of your blog. With the right optimization and relevant keywords, your WordPress page will make it to the upper ranks.

This will bring a steady stream of online visitors to your blog. There are various online tools at our disposal to tweak the WordPress to your advantage. Our WordPress experts also make it possible for you to track down the online visits that you get on a daily basis. Statistics, if interpreted, can teach a lot.

Advantages of advanced WordPress SEO tweaking services

  • You can leave the online SEO of the WordPress blog to our experts! These SEO executives will make sure that the crawlers of search engines rank your WordPress page favorably. The back-end operations are done with precision and domain knowledge
  • Judicious use of online tools to make your WordPress blog popular on the Internet. Most of these tools are free and designed to aid SEO efforts. We make use of time-tested methods by customizing them for your needs

We steer clear of shady means to get your WordPress blog on the search engine results. Our WordPress tweaks are legitimate and endorsed by the best in the industry. With our SEO tweaks, you can reach out your WordPress blog to a wider base of online readers.

WordPress SEO Maintenance Services

Keep up the SEO Drill on WordPress

As anyone with any experience or knowledge of SEO will know, it is not a process with an end in sight. You will have to keep the daily drill on. Discontinuing the process will mean crawling back to where you started out from.

The same can be said about SEO for your WordPress blog. The task for WordPress SEO maintenance services is to work on a routine basis to capture and then consolidate the top slot on the search engine results page. Hogging the summit for one particular keyword will limit the possibilities of your WordPress blog. The SEO maintenance team has to work uniformly on many relevant keywords.

SEO Maintenance is a Slow, Ongoing Process

SEO (search engine optimisation) is not a function. SEO is a process. This SEO process takes shape over a long period of time. It takes its due time to evolve and start showing some results. For genuine, long-term SEO benefits, there are no short cuts. And there is a reason behind it.The search engines appreciate the effort you put into building your content.

They not only want to present the latest (and relevant, of course) content to their users, they also want to present content that is constantly updated/upgraded. If you were a searcher looking for information on say, Google, would you prefer a page that was created 6 months ago or a page that was created last week? SEO may seem like a tedious process in the beginning, but once you cross the threshold and see the result for yourself, the experience is a very rewarding.

The WordPress SEO maintenance services of our team are equipped to build up a campaign for your blog. Our team of experts understands the mechanics of search engines, especially those of Google. With the help of their domain knowledge, they are able to steadily bolster the SEO perspective of your WordPress page.

The objective of WordPress SEO maintenance services is to cement your blog on the peak of the search engine results pertaining to your domain of work. It must be noted here that holding on to your top spot is harder than achieving it. Our WordPress SEO maintenance services have done that consistently.

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The key benefits of WordPress SEO Maintenance Services:

  • Highly relevant content, strategically written
  • Lots of highly relevant content
  • Quality inbound links
  • One-to-one networking
  • Fully optimised source code
  • Intuitive, obstruction-less interlinking
  • Constant analysis of your search engine positioning

The key features of our WordPress SEO maintenance services are:

  • Considerable focus on the SEO aspect of your WordPress blog. The process starts with tweaking the back-end codes to make the page more SEO-friendly. With that taken care of, our SEO experts consistently carry out drives to establish your firm presence on the search results
  • Excellent understanding of the search engine mechanics and algorithms. This helps the WordPress blog to be planned and executed in a manner that hikes up its search engine ranking. The experience of the SEO experts come in handy

Work on more than one keyword. Your WordPress blog achieves popularity on several keywords – the reach of your blog widens and you can get more online visitors to read your content.

WordPress Malicious File removal & WordPress Hacking recovery

We wordpress services include regular scanning of your website, updating theme & plugins, upgrading PHP, brute force attack prevention, malware removal, hack recovery & other security solutions for your WordPress site

Seven Boats Academy is a premier digital marketing institute in India. Seven Boats Academy offers digital marketing online class digital marketing classroom class in Kolkata , WordPress trainingdigital marketing workshop for students, professionals & entrepreneurs/organizations. Enroll in our Free SEO course for demo.

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