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How to Improve Your Existing Content?

by | Updated on: May 15, 2024 | Digital Marketing 101, Content Writing, How-To Guides | 1 comment

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Existing content forms the backbone of online presence, serving as the virtual footprint that individuals and businesses leave behind. It acts as a testament to one’s expertise, experience, and relevance in a particular field. Whether it’s a personal blog, a corporate website, or a social media profile, the content already present plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions, building credibility, and engaging audiences.

Here are some tips on how to take your content from good to great:

Identify Your Top-Performing Content

To effectively improve your existing content, it’s crucial to first identify which pieces are already performing well and resonating with your audience. This can be achieved by analyzing website traffic and engagement metrics, such as:

  • Pageviews: This metric indicates the total number of times a particular page has been viewed. High pageview numbers suggest that the content is attracting a significant audience.
  • Unique Visitors: This metric tracks the number of individual visitors who have viewed a particular page. It provides a better understanding of the reach of your content.
  • Average Time on Page: This metric measures the average amount of time visitors spend on a particular page. Longer time-on-page indicates that the content is engaging and valuable to the audience.
  • Bounce Rate: This metric represents the percentage of visitors who leave a page after viewing only one page. A low bounce rate suggests that the content is keeping visitors engaged and navigating further into your website.
  • Social Shares: The number of times a piece of content is shared on social media platforms indicates its virality and potential to reach a wider audience.

In addition to these quantitative metrics, it’s also valuable to consider qualitative measures of engagement, such as:

  • Comments and Feedback: Actively seeking and analyzing feedback from readers can provide valuable insights into their preferences, pain points, and areas for improvement.
  • Lead Generation and Conversions: If your content is designed to generate leads or drive sales, tracking these conversions can directly measure the effectiveness of specific pieces.

By analyzing these metrics and understanding which pieces of content are already performing well, you can prioritize your efforts and focus on enhancing the content that is already resonating with your audience. This approach will help you maximize the impact of your content creation efforts.

Enhance Content Relevance and Accuracy

Maintaining the relevance and accuracy of your content is essential for ensuring its continued effectiveness in attracting and engaging your audience. To achieve this, consider the following strategies:

  1. Regularly Review and Update Content: Schedule periodic reviews of your existing content to identify and update outdated information. This includes ensuring that facts, figures, and industry trends are current, as well as addressing any changes in your brand’s offerings or messaging.
  2. Verify Sources and Fact-Check Claims: Always verify the credibility of sources used in your content and double-check any claims made. This helps maintain the trustworthiness and authority of your brand.
  3. Align Content with Brand Identity: Ensure that your content reflects your brand’s voice, tone, and messaging. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and helps create a cohesive user experience.
  4. Optimize Keyword Usage for SEO: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant search terms that align with your target audience’s search queries. Strategically incorporate these keywords throughout your content, including page titles, meta descriptions, and headings, to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your content remains relevant, accurate, and aligned with your brand identity, making it more valuable to your audience and search engines alike.

Improve Readability and Visual Appeal

Enhancing the readability and visual appeal of your content is crucial for making it more engaging and enjoyable for your audience to consume. To achieve this, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Break Down Text into Digestible Chunks: Avoid overwhelming readers with lengthy paragraphs. Instead, break down your text into smaller, more manageable chunks using subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists. This makes the content easier to scan and digest, improving comprehension and engagement.
  2. Incorporate Relevant Visuals: Supplement your written content with engaging visuals such as images, infographics, and videos. These visuals can help break up text, illustrate concepts, and enhance the overall visual appeal of your content. Choose visuals that are relevant to the topic and complement the tone and style of your writing.
  3. Use Consistent and Readable Fonts: Select a font style that is easy to read and consistent with your brand identity. Avoid using excessively decorative or difficult-to-read fonts, as these can strain the reader’s eyes and hinder comprehension. Consider using a combination of fonts for headings and body text to create a hierarchy and add visual interest.
  4. Maintain Consistent Formatting: Ensure that your content follows a consistent formatting style throughout. This includes using consistent font sizes, line spacing, and margins. Consistent formatting creates a cohesive and professional look, making your content more visually appealing and easier to read.
  5. Optimize for Mobile Devices: With a significant portion of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your content for mobile viewing. Use responsive design techniques to ensure that your content scales appropriately to different screen sizes. Consider using larger fonts and wider margins for mobile viewing.

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your content into a visually appealing and engaging experience that effectively communicates your message to your target audience.

Repurpose and Repromote Existing Content

Repurposing and repromoting existing content allows you to extend the lifespan of your valuable work and reach a wider audience. By transforming your content into different formats and sharing it across various channels, you can maximize its impact and gain more value from your content creation efforts.

  1. Transform Existing Content into New Formats: Consider converting your blog posts into infographics, videos, or social media snippets to cater to different audience preferences and consumption habits. Infographics provide a visually appealing way to summarize complex information, while videos offer a dynamic and engaging medium for storytelling. Social media snippets can be used to share key takeaways or intriguing excerpts from your longer-form content.
  2. Share Older Content on Social Media Platforms: Don’t let your older content languish in obscurity. Regularly share links to your best evergreen content on your social media platforms to keep it fresh in the minds of your followers and attract new visitors to your website.
  3. Compile Related Articles into Comprehensive Guides or eBooks: Gather related blog posts or articles that address a specific topic or theme and compile them into a comprehensive guide or eBook. This can be a valuable resource for your audience, providing them with an in-depth exploration of a particular subject.
  4. Syndicate Your Content on Relevant Websites: Seek opportunities to syndicate your content on reputable websites or online communities related to your industry or niche. This can expand your reach and expose your content to a new audience.
  5. Update and Repurpose Old Videos: Review your existing video content and identify opportunities to update or repurpose it. You could create shorter clips, add new elements, or even re-narrate the content to refresh it for a new audience.

By actively repurposing and re-promoting your existing content, you can effectively extend its lifespan, generate new traffic, and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Optimize Content for Search Engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the ranking of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing your content for search engines, you can increase the likelihood of your website appearing in relevant search results, driving more organic traffic to your site.

  1. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research: Keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO. Identify relevant search terms that align with your target audience’s search queries. Use keyword research tools to analyze search volume, competition, and related keywords.
  2. Strategically Incorporate Target Keywords: Once you’ve identified relevant keywords, strategically incorporate them throughout your content, including page titles, meta descriptions, headings, and body text. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as this can negatively impact your search ranking.
  3. Optimize Meta Descriptions and Page Titles: Meta descriptions and page titles provide search engines with a summary of your content. Write clear and concise meta descriptions that accurately represent the content of your page and include relevant keywords. Page titles should be short and informative, incorporating your primary keyword naturally.
  4. Enhance Internal Linking: Internal linking helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website. Link to relevant internal pages from your content to improve user experience and distribute link equity.
  5. Build Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. Obtaining high-quality backlinks from reputable websites can significantly boost your search ranking.
  6. Optimize Images with Alt Text: Use descriptive alt text for images to provide search engines with information about the visual content on your page. This helps make your content more accessible and can improve image search rankings.
  7. Ensure Mobile-Friendliness: Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results. Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices to ensure a seamless user experience and avoid potential ranking penalties.

By implementing these SEO strategies, you can effectively optimize your content for search engines, increasing your website’s visibility and attracting more organic traffic from relevant searches.

Gather and Respond to Audience Feedback

By actively seeking and responding to feedback from your audience, you can gain valuable insights into their preferences, pain points, and areas for improvement. This feedback can directly inform your content creation and optimization efforts, ensuring that your content is aligned with the needs and expectations of your target audience.

  1. Encourage Feedback and Comments: Encourage your readers to leave comments on your blog posts, articles, or social media posts. Provide clear instructions for submitting feedback and make it easy for them to do so. You can also solicit feedback through surveys or polls to gather more structured responses.
  2. Analyze Feedback to Identify Trends: Once you’ve gathered feedback, analyze it to identify common themes, trends, and recurring patterns. This will help you understand the overall sentiment of your audience and pinpoint specific areas where your content can be improved or expanded.
  3. Use Feedback to Inform Content Creation: Use the insights gained from feedback to inform your content creation process. Identify topics that resonate with your audience and address their pain points. Use feedback to refine your content strategy and develop new ideas that align with your audience’s interests.
  4. Acknowledge and Respond to Comments: Demonstrate your engagement by acknowledging and responding to reader comments. Thank them for their feedback, address their questions or concerns, and show that you value their input. This helps foster a sense of community and encourages further engagement.
  5. Use Feedback to Personalize Content: Personalized content can enhance the user experience and boost engagement. Use feedback to understand individual preferences and tailor your content accordingly. This could involve recommending relevant articles based on past reading history or providing personalized content recommendations based on user interests.
  6. Use Feedback to Track Progress: Regularly track your feedback metrics to monitor the overall sentiment of your audience and assess the effectiveness of your content improvement efforts. Use this data to identify areas where you’re doing well and areas where you can make further improvements.
  7. Use Feedback to Identify New Content Opportunities: Feedback can be a goldmine of new content ideas. Pay attention to areas where your audience is seeking more information or asking questions that haven’t been addressed in your existing content. Use these insights to develop new content that fills these gaps and provides value to your audience.

By actively gathering and responding to audience feedback, you can gain valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and expectations. Use this feedback to inform your content creation process, enhance the user experience, and ultimately create more effective and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Monitor and Track Content Performance

Regularly monitoring and tracking the performance of your content is crucial for understanding how your content is resonating with your audience and identifying areas for improvement. By analyzing key metrics and data-driven insights, you can make informed decisions about your content creation and optimization strategies to maximize its effectiveness.

  1. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define a set of relevant KPIs that align with your content goals. Common KPIs for content performance include organic traffic, engagement rates, conversion rates, and social media shares.
  2. Utilize Website Analytics Tools: Employ website analytics tools like Google Analytics to track and analyze website traffic, user behavior, and content performance. These tools provide valuable insights into how visitors are interacting with your content.
  3. Monitor Organic Traffic: Organic traffic refers to visitors who find your website through search engines. Track organic traffic to your content to assess its effectiveness in attracting visitors from search results.
  4. Analyze Engagement Rates: Engagement metrics measure the level of interaction users have with your content. Track metrics like pageviews, time spent on page, bounce rate, and social shares to assess how engaging your content is.
  5. Evaluate Conversion Rates: Conversion rates measure the effectiveness of your content in achieving specific goals, such as generating leads, driving sales, or encouraging newsletter signups. Track conversion rates for different pieces of content to identify which ones are most effective in driving desired actions.
  6. Review Social Media Performance: Monitor the performance of your content on social media platforms by tracking metrics like likes, shares, comments, and retweets. This helps you understand how your content is resonating with your social media audience.
  7. Analyze A/B Testing Results: When implementing changes to your content, use A/B testing to compare different versions and identify which one performs better. A/B testing provides data-driven insights to guide your optimization decisions.
  8. Regularly Review and Analyze Performance: Schedule regular reviews of your content performance metrics to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Use this data to inform your content creation and optimization strategies.
  9. Adapt Strategies Based on Insights: Be prepared to adapt your content strategies based on the insights gained from performance analysis. If certain content formats or topics perform better, prioritize them in your content creation efforts.
  10. Continuously Refine and Improve: Content optimization is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor, analyze, and refine your content based on data and feedback to ensure it remains effective and engaging for your target audience.


Effectively improving your existing content requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses both strategic planning and ongoing optimization efforts. By identifying your top-performing content, enhancing its relevance and accuracy, improving readability and visual appeal, repurposing and re-promoting existing content, optimizing for search engines, gathering and responding to audience feedback, and monitoring and tracking content performance, you can continuously refine your content strategy and ensure that your content is resonating with your target audience and achieving your desired goals. Remember, content optimization is an ongoing process that requires consistent evaluation and adaptation to maintain its effectiveness in an ever-evolving digital landscape. By embracing this approach, you can transform your existing content into a powerful tool for engaging your audience, driving traffic, and achieving your content marketing objectives.

Author:- Deepan Paul is a Assistant Manager at Seven Boats. With a strong focus on digital marketing, Deepan has achieved notable recognition and awards for his expertise, including 7 LinkedIn Top Voice Awards in Search Engine Optimization, Organic Search, and Web Content Writing. He is also a member of the LinkedIn News India Partner Program and has had his articles featured by LinkedIn News India. Additionally, Deepan serves as a trainer for Seven Boats Academy, where he imparts his knowledge and skills to others. As an alumnus of Seven Boats, Deepan has successfully managed over 150+ projects, including international ones, and has a proven track record of driving traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales for businesses of all sizes.


1 Comment

  1. E Giraffes Digital Pvt. Ltd

    Great advice! It makes sense to update outdated information to improve user engagement and SEO. The suggestions for include multimedia, updating content, and keyword optimization are sensible and simple to implement. I like how you explained things so clearly!


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