The Top 3 Google Ranking Factors : Experience, Expertise, and Authoritativeness

When it comes to ranking well on Google, there are many factors that come into play. However, according to Google themselves, the top three ranking factors are experience, expertise, and authoritativeness. These three factors not only signal that your content is high-quality but also relevant to the user’s query.

But what exactly do these factors mean and how can you optimize your content to rank well? In this blog post, we will delve into the top three Google ranking factors and provide tips on how to improve your rankings.


Experience is the fourth and most recently added component of Google’s E-E-A-T acronym, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. E-E-A-T is a set of guidelines that Google uses to evaluate the quality of websites and their content. Websites that demonstrate a high level of E-E-A-T are more likely to rank higher in Google search results.

Experience refers to the firsthand knowledge and practical skills that a website or its content creators have in a particular field. Google considers the following factors when evaluating the experience of a website or content creator:

  • Direct involvement in the topic: Google looks for evidence that the content creator has firsthand experience with the topic they are writing about. This could include personal experiences, professional experiences, or volunteer experiences.
  • Ability to provide unique insights: Google also considers whether the content creator can provide unique insights or perspectives on the topic. This could be due to their personal experiences, professional experiences, or access to information that is not publicly available.
  • Ability to demonstrate understanding through examples: Google looks for evidence that the content creator can demonstrate their understanding of the topic through real-life examples. This could include case studies, personal anecdotes, or expert opinions.

Websites that demonstrate a high level of experience are more likely to be seen as trusted sources of information. This can lead to increased traffic and revenue for the website.

Here are some additional tips for demonstrating experience on your website:

  • Share your personal experiences: If you have personal experiences related to the topic, share them with your readers. This can help to connect with your audience and make your content more relatable.
  • Highlight your professional experience: If you have professional experience in the field, highlight it in your content. This can help to establish your credibility as an expert.
  • Use case studies and examples: Use case studies and examples to illustrate your points and make your content more engaging.
  • Get involved in the community: Participate in online forums, attend industry events, and network with other experts in the field. This can help you to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and gain insights from others.

By following these tips, you can help to demonstrate experience on your website and improve your chances of ranking higher in Google search results.


Expertise refers to the level of knowledge and skill that the creator of a website or its content possesses in a particular field. Google considers the following factors when evaluating the expertise of a website or content creator:

  • Formal education and training: Google looks for evidence that the content creator has formal education and training in the field. This could include degrees, certifications, or other relevant credentials.
  • Experience: Google also considers the content creator’s experience in the field. This could include professional experience, volunteer experience, or personal experience.
  • Publications: Google looks for evidence that the content creator has published articles, books, or other materials in the field. This can help to establish the creator’s credibility as an expert.
  • Recognition by other experts: Google also considers whether the content creator is recognized as an expert by other experts in the field. This could include mentions in industry publications, awards, or invitations to speak at conferences.

Websites that demonstrate a high level of expertise are more likely to be seen as trusted sources of information. This can lead to increased traffic and revenue for the website.

Here are some additional tips for demonstrating expertise on your website:

  • Write content that is informative and accurate: Your content should be well-researched and up-to-date.
  • Use citations and references: Cite your sources to show that your information is credible.
  • Use clear and concise language: Your content should be easy to understand, even for people who are not experts in the field.
  • Keep your content up-to-date: Make sure your content is regularly updated to reflect the latest developments in the field.
  • Get involved in your industry: Participate in online forums, attend industry events, and contribute to industry publications.

By following these tips, you can help to demonstrate expertise on your website and improve your chances of ranking higher in Google search results.


Authoritativeness refers to the extent to which a website or its content creators are recognized as credible and reliable sources of information. Google considers several factors when assessing the authoritativeness of a website, including:

  • The expertise of the content creators: Google looks for evidence that the website’s content creators are experts in their field. This could include factors such as their education, experience, and publications.
  • The reputation of the website and its content creators: Google looks for evidence that the website and its content creators are respected and recognized by other experts in the field. This could include factors such as awards, memberships in professional organizations, and citations from other authoritative sources.
  • The quality of the website’s content: Google looks for evidence that the website’s content is well-written, informative, and accurate. This could include factors such as the use of clear and concise language, the citation of credible sources, and the absence of errors and typos.

Websites that demonstrate a high level of authoritativeness are more likely to be seen as trusted sources of information. This can lead to increased traffic and revenue for the website.

Here are some additional tips for demonstrating authoritativeness on your website:

  • Create clear and concise content: Your content should be easy to understand and free of errors.
  • Use citations: Cite your sources to show that your information is credible.
  • Get involved in your industry: Participate in online forums, attend industry events, and contribute to industry publications.
  • Build relationships with other experts: Network with other experts in your field to build relationships and gain exposure.
  • Get your work published in reputable publications: Getting your work published in reputable publications can help to establish your credibility as an expert.

By following these tips, you can help to demonstrate authoritativeness on your website and improve your chances of ranking higher in Google search results.


Trustworthiness is particularly important for websites that provide information on topics that could have a significant impact on people’s lives, such as health, finance, or safety. These types of websites are known as Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) websites. For YMYL websites, Google considers the following factors when assessing trustworthiness:

  • The reputation of the website and its content creators: Google looks for evidence that the website and its content creators are reputable and trustworthy sources of information. This could include factors such as the website’s history, the credentials of its content creators, and the overall quality of the website’s content.
  • Transparency: Google wants to ensure that users can easily find information about the website and its content creators. This includes information such as the website’s owner, the contact information for the website or content creators, and the website’s editorial process.
  • Accuracy and objectivity: Google wants to ensure that the information on the website is accurate and objective. This means that the information should be free from bias and should be supported by credible evidence.
  • Completeness: Google wants to ensure that the information on the website is comprehensive and up-to-date. This means that the information should cover all relevant aspects of the topic and should be updated regularly as needed.

In addition to these general factors, Google also considers the following specific factors when assessing the trustworthiness of YMYL websites:

  • The website’s domain: Google generally considers websites with .gov or .edu domains to be more trustworthy than websites with other domain extensions.
  • The website’s use of HTTPS: Google generally considers websites that use HTTPS encryption to be more trustworthy than websites that do not.
  • The website’s use of advertising: Google generally considers websites that have a lot of advertising to be less trustworthy than websites that have less advertising.

By demonstrating trustworthiness, websites can improve their chances of ranking higher in Google search results. This can lead to increased traffic and revenue for the website.

Other Ranking Factors

While experience, expertise, and authoritativeness are the top three ranking factors, there are many other factors that can impact your rankings. Some of these include:

  • Page Speed: Google values websites that load quickly and provide a seamless user experience. Slow loading speeds can negatively impact your rankings. So Improve your page loading speed to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Mobile Friendliness: With the majority of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, it is crucial to have a website that is optimized for mobile use. This includes having a responsive design and easy navigation.
  • Core Web Vitals: Core Web Vitals are specific website performance metrics that Google uses to evaluate the user experience. These include factors such as page loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

Optimizing for Ranking Factors

Now that we have discussed the top three ranking factors and other important factors to consider, let’s explore how you can optimize your website for these elements.

It is essential to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content. This not only satisfies the experience, expertise, and authoritativeness factors but also provides value to your audience.

also, make sure to regularly update and refresh your old content. This shows Google that your website is consistently providing up-to-date information and can improve your experience factor.

Establish trust with your audience by showcasing reviews and testimonials, being transparent about your business, and building backlinks from reputable websites.

Additionally, optimize your website for page speed and mobile-friendliness. This can include compressing images, using caching techniques, and ensuring a responsive design.

Pay attention to the Core Web Vitals metrics and make necessary improvements to provide a positive user experience on your website.


In conclusion, the top three Google ranking factors of experience, expertise, and authoritativeness play a significant role in determining your website’s rankings. By focusing on creating high-quality content, regularly updating old content, establishing trust with your audience, optimizing for page speed and mobile-friendliness, and paying attention to Core Web Vitals metrics, you can improve your chances of ranking well in search results. As a digital marketing agency, it is crucial to understand and prioritize these factors to help your clients achieve higher rankings on Google. So, start implementing these tips today and watch as your website climbs up the ranks on search engine result pages.

November 16, 2023

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