Till a few months back, Twitter was not so much a hit with casual users. It was mostly the fiefdom of celebrities. Celebs published content to disseminate information to their millions of followers. It was also actively used by digital marketers and news agencies. The common user stayed away from Twitter because it somehow did not offer them the visibility or soul connect that they got from Facebook or Instagram.
Twitter wants to change that perception about itself.
In its bid to do that, it has introduced a feature called ‘Popular Articles’. This is nothing path-breaking, let’s be honest! This is a feature by which you will get a prompt of the popular articles being read by people who are part of your Twitter circle. Your contacts read a number of articles and web pages daily. This new feature will point them out to you when you use the search box.
The idea is simple: it presumes that your contacts and followers may have similar interests as you. So, the items of content they find readable might resonate with you as well. It is quite difficult to curate content according to your own specific data through preferences and browser history. This new feature is the best attempt to come close to precisely curate content for individual users.
When you find something in this section that you want to read, you can click on the prompt and check it out in the in-app browser of Twitter. You don’t need to leave the app to read popular articles.
While we write this, Twitter is rolling out the feature globally for Android and iOS users.
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