If you sell handbags, shoes or sunglasses online, you are in for good news from the house of Google. The search engine giant is starting a new feature on Google Images, particularly for these three items, as of now. When online users search for these items on Images, they get images tagged under ‘Similar Items’. It is similar to mobile shopping apps which always carry a scroll list of similar items toward the bottom of the product page.
This feature on Google Images is now available on Android apps and for mobile image searches. The idea is simple and obvious: help searchers find more products under the category they are looking for. It also means windfall for online sellers: you have an opportunity to showcase your product to interested, potential customers. Today, you will find the new feature limited to the three products mentioned before. In the coming months, clothes and home items will be included.
Google is also working on a feature to provide availability and price of the products displayed against image searches.
How do you ensure that your product and brand shows up on the category ‘Similar Items’? You have to inject scheme.org product metadata on your product pages available online. If your product has a price tag, a name and image, it is liable to be included in this new feature.
Check up if the markup has been added without any errors. Use the Structured Data Testing Tool. If you have added the markup very recently, you have to give it some time for Google to crawl and pick up your metadata. You can check the status of this process by typing in “site:yourdomain.com” in the Image search box.
Sign into this process and avail more visibility, and scalability, of your product.
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