Cascading Style Sheets or popularly known as CSS is becoming a very popular tool in the world of web designing these days. Simpler than many other options available at the disposal of a web designer, CSS is not just easy to learn but also to use. To understand the basic nature of CSS to the platform of web designing, let us consider it to be an analogy of HTML. What HTML is to the content of your website, CSS is the same to its designing aspect. You must have a functional idea of CSS even when the designing is being done by a professional web designer. Though we have drawn an analogy between HTML and CSS to underline the importance of the latter with respect to your website, it is important to note that CSS is much easier to use than the former. CSS requires much less of lines in code. With the help of a single CSS sheet, you can handle the entire coding part of a website! If you went about the designing aspect with HTML instead of CSS, it will require a lot more number of codes and programming. Imagine the amount of time CSS saves for you in the process! CSS works basically on three ways:
- Inline Style: More complicated than it looks at face value, the Inline style of CSS coding is twined with HTML tags. You have to use ‘style’ as the attribute to make it tick. It is advisable that you use this style sparingly as editing becomes tough if it is too frequently sprinkled.
- External Style Sheets: The most popular and easiest of the three, External Style Sheets allow you to make changes to the entire website in one go. Using this kind of CSS coding is beneficial for the users as well. They need to download lesser amount of data in order to view the website. It helps immensely for websites designed exclusively for mobile phones.
- Internal Style Sheets: More efficient for a single paragraph or web page than an entire website, Internal Style sheets are planted at the very heading of the HTML code.