Online brands that are yet to make a strong impact on the internet scene need to stop and look at their SEO plan again. In the course of implementation, there are some areas of SEO work that feel neglected. Also, there are some points that you might have missed altogether. Let us draw up a check-list here to take you through the steps you need to take for an effective SEO plan that is tailor-made for franchise owners. Look at your landing pages. They can be of 3 different types: microsites, internal web pages and standalone pages.
You have to optimize all these types in different ways, depending upon how you intend to use them. For example, microsites can be used to give individuality to the different categories of products and services that you have. You can have a mechanism where interested visitors can be directed to your main website if they wish to know more about your brand. You can optimize these microsites as miniature websites as well. They will act as entry points to your primary website.
Next up is the actual SEO plan for your online business. This becomes easier for startups and individual ventures because you are independent to draw up your own goals. For brands with many different branches and decentralized administration, you have to collaborate with the others to come up with an SEO plan that works best. You have to get in touch with other unit heads or propose your SEO plan of action to the headquarters. Allow the franchise owners to take the SEO decisions.
The social media scene is pretty similar for franchise owners. Here, too, you have to take into account what the central authority is thinking about social media promotions. Many brands have burned their fingers in dealing with social media networks like Twitter and Facebook. The reason is that it takes little time for something to go viral and once it does, you can do little to stop it. When this works in your favor, you’re a winner but if it turns against your brand, the damage is immense. Coalesce with the decision-makers of the franchise before going to town about something on Facebook. You wouldn’t want to be at the receiving end after leaking out a promotional video on your Facebook page!