The process of developing buying persona and its impact on B2B marketing strategy has a lot to do with the SEO process. You can get connectivity with the buying persona through a few procedures. You can build keyword research on the basis of an interview process. It is built on the basis of what keywords are searched pretty often and discussed in sales calls and discussions. You can ask the customers which keywords they often use for finding out industry related information, and other searches. You can also break the titles and roles of customers and prospects interviewed.
While building keyword research, you should peep into the interview process a bit. The sales personnel can inform you about the recurring terminologies and keywords in prospective calls. Keyword research breakout can also be extended and segmented into different buyer persona segments. Create an initial set of questions for the interviewees mainly to establish relevance that can also be utilized for keyword exploration in future. Then you should evaluate associated search engine results, mostly based on the feedback and the keyword research done on the basis of its outcome. This helps in determining related content marketing opportunities.
Google Analytics use secondary dimensions and advanced segments for isolating search engine referrals of landing pages for all important keywords and search traffic. B2B marketing team can help increase search engine referral traffic. The data helps supporting and augmenting content marketing through the process of identifying website assets in terms of exit rate, visit duration, conversion rates, etc.
The available marketing automation tools put together different prospect activity with other information about the source of referral. The reports help convincing buyers and are instrumental in creating effective buyer persona. These determine if the traffic pattern of the website supports interview responses wisely.
Need to build better Keyword-Oriented Content based on sales and customer interviews. The existing traffic reporting data also help B2B SEO a lot. This way, you get a wider range of keyword targets and more focused assets of content marketing.
Creating buyer persona is not much into the B2Bcreation is not integrated into the majority of B2B processes. The MarketingSherpa report shows that around 41% of organizations have established buyer personas. A rapid growth in digital content consumption and other technological innovations creates a requirement of enough B2B buyer persona development. This eliminates “digital noise” online.
I got link from Google and seems Google rightly mentioned them.
Thanks Samyak