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30 Best Growth Marketing Strategies to Help Your Business Succeed

by | Updated on: Aug 22, 2023 | Digital Marketing Strategies | 4 comments

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If you’re like most business owners, you are always looking for new and innovative ways to grow your company. Growth marketing is a hot topic right now, and for good reason – it works! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the top growth marketing strategies that can help your business succeed. We’ll cover everything from content marketing to social media marketing to search engine optimization. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for a while, these growth marketing tips will help you take your business to the next level!

Do you want your business to grow at a rapid pace? If yes, you must adopt effective growth marketing strategies to boost your business to the next level. Today, you have to adopt an innovative and user-friendly approach to grab the attention of your potential business.     

Yes!! I have used the term “ Business” in my article. Do you know why, because each lead is a potential business? Digital marketing is evolving at a rapid pace. 

Nothing is constant here in today’s business world. The only constant thing is “change.” So let’s find some growth marketing strategies to boost your business. 

What Is A Growth Marketing Strategy? 

A growth marketing strategy is an evidence-based marketing strategy that prioritises business growth while focusing on the entire funnel. It is the opposite of traditional marketing, where opinion-based decision-making is done. 

growth marketing strategies
Spotify has seen immense growth by adopting growth marketing strategies

Effective Growth Marketing Strategies For Your Business

Do not consider your business just a money-making machine. It demands attention and care. Building relationship with clients is an art, and you must adopt new strategies to create and retain your customers. 

Let’s go through the ways to have a clear picture of it. Among many, I have selected 30 growth marketing strategies to boost my business to the next level.   

1. Developing Pre-launch Email List     

When it comes to an effective startup growth strategy then, email marketing remains the king. It will enhance your conversions and leads. So you need to put on your focus on the list of emails. 

It will enhance the reach of your audience, and they will deliver your message effectively. It will help email marketing to increase the chances of your business hype at any point in time or product. 

Even before the launch, it will allow the customers to build interest in your product or services. It is one of the effective growth marketing strategies

Let me share an example through promoting a movie in India, “KGF-2.” 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qah9sSIXJqk “ Show the trailer of your product and services” Through your email marketing to the list of the leads of customers whom you are targeting. 

2. Launching A Product Hunt On A Similar Platform 

When you launch on product hunt, then it forms an essential checkpoint. Every week, dozens of startups are launched. These platforms allow you to deliver the required messages to new audiences.    

Product Hunt is one of the leading platforms to quickly deliver your brand message to the global audience. It is one of the leading platforms to expose your business to global audience. 

The golden ticket will give you devoted attention to numerous innovators. In addition, you will receive the chance to receive all the critical feedback for the new opportunities that you want to deliver to your target audience. 

3. Leveraging Referral Marketing 

Referral Marketing i.e. Getting and generating referrals from friends, family members, and industry influencers is another essential part of growth marketing strategies. It can boost your business appearance to the next level.    

CPA for the referral customer is relatively less, and it will allow you to cut down your cost of marketing to a great extent. 

Referral programs help to generate customers who offer better retention rates to your business. It will result in 16% higher LTV. Additional sales experts help you to earn four to six times higher.  

4. Developing Brand New Partnerships     

Business collaboration and partnerships are among the best growth hacking techniques as they can create noise in the market. However, many brands have understood that product marketing and Co-partnerships are now producing better brand awareness. 

It is one of the best growth marketing strategies to give your brand the recognition it requires. Sometimes small businesses collaborate with big brands to gain popularity in the market. 

It will help you to enhance your sales figures to increase brand awareness. The more you can gain brand reach, the better you can avail the market opportunity. 

5. Attend & Host Conferences & Community Events 

Let me share some of the relevant statistics, which are accurate in that 30% of the new businesses cannot stand beyond two years. But when you attend the events, meetings, and seminars, the chances of your growth increase. 

When you attend events and meetings, two things happen. First, you get closer to the new set of clients and a new set of tools. It enriches you with a better customer portfolio to enhance your business. 

When you expose your business to relevant business, attending host conferences and community events will become easier. However, you need to know the facts before making your choices. 

6. Leverage The Adjacent Markets 

Adjacent markets are an excellent growth hack for sales. But unfortunately, most of the time, people often get confused with some white space opportunity. I  mean, the markets which are in closer proximity to what you do?   

The most relevant market is to export your skills and capabilities to make things work your way. In addition, it creates some new value for the new customers.   

Here are three questions you have to address? 

  • What is the competition like? 
  • How high is the level of opportunity in terms of profit? 
  • Are there any kind of limitations or legal barriers in your way?    

Before you develop your growth marketing strategies these types of questions, you must address adequately. 

7. Social Media Growth Hacking    

Social media forms an essential part of growth hacking. To promote yourself, you can leverage your social media communities. You can interact with the market feedback, and it can boost your sales figure. 

It will take some time to build an audience. Then, you can align with the social media audiences, enhancing your overall growth.   

Your social media post must create value for your target audience. The b2b growth marketing strategy can be maintained well with the help of social media hacking. 

Speaking of social media, this is another great growth marketing strategy that you should be utilizing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are perfect for promoting your business and connecting with potential and current customers. Make sure to post engaging content that will get people talking about your company. You can also use social media to run contests and giveaways, which are great ways to generate buzz about your business.

8. Follow The Trend & Technique Of Your Biggest Competitor  

If you can follow the trend and techniques of your biggest competitors, you can outsmart them easily from the market. But, first, you must acknowledge your competitive landscape’s level. 

You must be well aware of the position of the business to adapt quickly and leverage the amount of its strength. You can track their backlinks & SEO. It will give you a fair idea of where they are generating quality traffic for their website. 

No growth marketing strategy would be complete without search engine optimization (SEO). By optimizing your website for the search engines, you can ensure that people who are looking for businesses like yours will be able to find you easily. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions, and make sure your website is easy to navigate. These simple SEO tips will help you attract more visitors to your site and grow your business.

Do you know when you can create your USP in the market? The answer is when you see the weakness of your competitors. Then, you can adopt growth marketing strategies to develop your business in the right direction. 

9. Developing Aggressive Marketing Strategy 

You must handle customer feedback properly. It will provide you with a clear idea of which growth marketing strategy can trap the deal for your business. 

Here aggressive marketing strategy means aggressive content marketing strategy. It can help your business to gain a reputation from your clients.   

Once through aggressive query handling, you provide the required answer to your customers, which builds a positive reputation for your brand. 

10. Develop Proper Guest Posting 

Guest posting services will help you to build a connection with the community. In addition, it can help your business to move forward in the right direction. Several guest posting services are now available online basis. 

Most of the service providers will help you get several numerous leads which can help boost your website’s SEO rankings. It is one of the best growth marketing strategies you can adopt at your end. 

From the quality guest posting sites, if you can drive the backlinks from your website, it can boost the traffic to your site. 

11. Work In Collaboration Of Influencers     

When you collaborate with the influencers, your chances of reach increase 30X times. If an influencer has 50k followers, it would be best for your brand to collaborate with them as soon as possible.    

It is one of the best growth marketing strategies which you can apply at your end. You need to identify these facts when you want to increase your brand reach within a specific time. 

Influencer marketing can help you to reach out to a massive audience for your brand product and services within a few days. In addition, it can boost your brand image to the next level.  

Ensure that you must not make any kind of mistakes at any point in time. It will increase the chances of your brand recognition to the next level. 

12. Encash The Trends  

You need to analyze the market trend before your competitors. Before you develop your marketing, sales, product development, and customer service strategies, you have to sense the upcoming trend.  

Once you know the upcoming trends in digital marketing, it will be easier to grow your marketing strategy in the right direction. It is one of the crucial tricks of growth marketing strategies that you must not avoid. 

Identifying the profitable trend will help you to develop a profitable marketing campaign for your business. It can make things easier for you. 

13. Make Use Of HARO For Press Opportunities 

One of the best growth marketing strategies is to help a reporter out(HARO) as one of the platforms where you can display your needs. Remember one thing here it is not a brand promotional tool. 

You are just helping the reporter find them to get the story for their channel; in return, they will promote your brand online. Ensure that you must not make your selection of timing for having a conversation with them incorrectly. 

It is a shortcut technique to build your brand image quickly. Of course, there is a certain amount of risk, but the rewards are also astonishing once you successfully execute it. 

14. Make Showoff & Send Gift To Customers 

You can share branded gift products with your customers, including your company logo and brand name. It can be of anything like a calendar, or branded quality pens, which can prove great value to the users. 

It will raise your scope for brand awareness and can increase the level of your customer loyalty. Growth marketing tips can boost your brand image to the next level massively. 

Your business growth marketing strategy needs to be pinpointed and sharp to create a positive impression in the minds of your target audience. You need to understand the customer’s sentiments and deliver them the product they are searching for. 

15. Offer Discounts To Beta Testers 

When you offer your product to the Beta Testers, which means the end user of your products with some quality and discounts, it increases your sales chances.   

It will also benefit your brand in two ways. Let’s find out these ways one after the other. 

  • It enhances your brand reputation. 
  • Enhances the chances of brand loyalty.   

You must ignore making your selection on the wrong end. It will ruin the chances of the better brand building of your business. You can execute this growth marketing strategy to develop your business. 

16. On Your Blog, Feature User Stories 

Featuring the user stories on your website and blog will help you build a better brand reputation. But, first, you must identify these facts before developing your growth marketing strategies.  

Let your users share their experiences and stories about your brand products on your blog. How your brand product has helped them from recovering their problem will create a valuable addition to your brand promotion.   

It will help you win new customers and develop customer loyalty for your business. In addition, effective brand building with customer engagements can help your business multiply rapidly. 

17. Developing Existing Content On A Website & Content Marketing

You can develop existing old content on your website. However, sometimes Google neglects old content, which stays in the form of text and videos.    

You need to add some more features and information, generate more backlinks and make some necessary value additions to boost the old content of your website.    

The more you modify your old content with proper competitor analysis, it will bring more positive results for your business. It is one of the best growth marketing strategies which you can develop at your end to build your brand promotion. 

Content marketing is a great way to attract new customers and grow your business. By creating compelling and informative content, you can draw people in and show them what your company is all about. If you have a blog, make sure to post fresh, original content on a regular basis. You can also use social media to share your content and reach a wider audience.

18. Answer Relevant Questions & Leverage Quora 

You can take the help of quora to leverage your brand promotion. The best thing you can do here is to use the Quora answers to leverage your brand reach.   

Build your brand reach as organically as possible. It will help you meet your business requirements within a shorter time.  You can follow specific tips here to make things work for you. 

Some of the growth marketing strategies you can apply using quora are as follows:- 

  • Address the pain point of your customers. 
  • Answer the question of their queries in detail. 
  • Try to grip the best marketing tools to help your target audience.  
  • Share the link of your business website at the end of the footnote. 

If you can follow these tips on quora, things can be helpful for you. First, it will help you to build your brand reputation. 

19. Develop Affiliate Partners 

You can develop affiliate partners to boost your brand image to the next level. Affiliate marketing through your website and blogs will offer you two-way benefits.  

  • First, it will help you to spread brand awareness. 
  • Second, it will help you to earn a good commission on each sale.  

When implementing growth marketing strategies, employ a 360-degree full-proof approach to build your brand reputation. Then, your affiliate marketing growth strategy can help your business move smoothly. 

20. Creating Email Drip Campaigns 

You can create an Email Drip campaign to send the targeted message about your brand’s new product launch information and offers to a specific set of target audiences. 

It can bring the attention of your target audience to your brand and create a TOMA(Top Of The Mind Effect) effect in the minds of your target audience.  

You cannot afford to ignore the facts while you want to gain success through growth marketing strategies. Your future-ready business plans can help your business to move forward smoothly. 

15 other important growth marketing strategies

  1. Focus On Customer Satisfaction
  2. Value-Driven Content Creation
  3. Highlighting Customer Testimonials
  4. Virtual Technology Adoption
  5. Storytelling Via Social Platforms
  6. Podcasting
  7. Corporate Gifting
  8. Organic Reach Via Social Media
  9. Bite-Size Expertise
  10. Learning The Latest Platforms And Tools
  11. Video Brand Building
  12. Stellar Customer Service
  13. Prioritizing Retention Over Acquisition
  14. Diving Deep Into Data And Analytics
  15. Experimentation

Which Companies Have Implemented Growth Marketing Strategies? 

There are several companies in the past as well as present that have implemented growth marketing strategies. Some of them are as follows:-      

  • Fullstory. 
  • Grammarly. 
  • Klayvio. 
  • Rothy’s. 
  • Awaytravel.com. 
  • Brooklinen. 
  • Hubble Contacts. 
  • Grove collaborative.
  • Prose. 
  • Daily Harvest. 
  • Peloton. 
  • Stripe.com 
  • Fintech. 

These are some of the brands that have implemented growth marketing strategies to develop their business. Brands constantly update themselves to gain the maximum market share through effective growth marketing strategies.  

If you want to stay alive in the competition, then you cannot eliminate these factors on your end. The more accurately you plan things, the better your can reach your objectives. 

FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) 

What Are The Three Main Types Of Growth Strategies? 

The three primary forms of growth strategies are as follows:- 
Integrated growth strategies. 
Intensive strategies for growth. 
Diversification growth strategies.

What Are Some Of 7 Strategies Of Marketing? 

Seven strategies of marketing which is popular among all the brands of the world are as follows:- 
Physical environment. 

What Are The 4 C’s Of Marketing? 

The four C’s of marketing that you must know at your end while implementing them in your business are as follows:- 
The consumer wants and needs. 
Convenience to buy. 
Cost to satisfy.    

Do You Know The 4 E’s Of Marketing? 

4P’s and 4C’s of marketing, most of us have a clear idea, but most of us do not have the idea about the 4 E’s of marketing. 
Every place. 

Who Is The King Of Modern Marketing? 

Philip Kotler is the king of modern marketing. His insights, technique, and business strategy have helped many brands to develop the perfect marketing strategies. In addition, his ideas are the foundation of many businesses marketing tactics and strategies. 

Final Take Away    

Hence you can adopt some growth marketing strategies to take your business to the next level. First, however, you must embrace these marketing techniques to help your brand gain maximum leverage. 

These techniques can outsmart your competitors in the global business arena. Share your comments, ideas, views, and thoughts in our comment box.   

So there you have it – some of the top growth marketing strategies that you can use to take your business to the next level. Implement these tips and start seeing results! Your business will thank you for it.

Do you have any growth marketing tips that you swear by? Share them with us in the comments below!

Author:- Debajyoti Banerjee is the Founder, Director & CEO of Seven Boats - A leading digital marketing agency & digital marketing training institute in India since 2011. He is a TEDx Speaker, Google & LinkedIn Certified Digital Marketer & Trainer, Brand Strategist, Consultant & Entrepreneur. B. Tech in computer engineering & post graduate diploma in Marketing, Debajyoti has 18+ years of domain experience and successful track records in digital marketing services & digital marketing training with 500+ clients & 100K+ students in 165+ countries. He has been invited & felicitated by 25+ Top B Schools & universities including London Business School, AICTE ATAL FDP, UGC-HRDC, IIM Shillong, IIM ROHTAK, IIT KGP, IIT Guwahati, Calcutta University, Ranchi University, St. Xavier’s, Brainware, Techno India, JIS Group, Jaypee Group, Shikshayatan Foundation, IIEST Shibpur, Bhavan’s, ICFAI Business School, GITAM Deemed University, Swami Vivekananda Group of Institutions & many more. He has been awarded with more than 20 national awards and he has received notable media coverage. Learn more



  1. Atul

    Hello Debajyoti,

    You have posted an awesome article. The strategies you have explained are really good. There is a lot to learn from this article.
    Thank you for posting this article!

  2. yogesh giri

    good blog

  3. Kaha Sales

    I really needed to know some strategies to increase my business growth. I am glad to find all those information in this post. All the information in this post was very important and will work very well for any business growth. Thanks to you for this most important blog share with us..

  4. mounika

    Thank you for sharing your information.


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