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Internet Marketing Services in USA

Digital Marketing USAAccording to a list of online marketing trends published by Forbes, the increase and influence of the mobile device is ranked at the very top of the list. In fact, the trend is so skewed in favor of mobile searches that Google, the primary search engine choice, has added a new dimension to its definitive Google Webmaster Tools, known as Mobile Usability. Another trend that internet marketers are looking at is the increasing dominance of social media searches as opposed to those on search engines. Ad revenues for Facebook shot up by 10% in the first quarter of 2014.

These trends and the message that they give out is that internet marketing services in USA are slated to hit the big league in a much bigger way. 7boats.com has come up with a whole range of online marketing services customized for the USA market & American companies. Here are some of the services we provide to brands and companies, both startups and big-league players:

  • Content Marketing: To quote a statistic put out by the B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks report, 93% of the respondents told us that they prefer to use content marketing as a premiere marketing tool. Also, 42% said that they considered it as a very efficient way to get across a marketing message online. This value for content marketing services gives the content team at 7boats.com enough hope to deliver targeted content for higher return on investment (ROI). It is not just about the message. It is also about how to reach out to the customers, even the potential ones. Content is not limited to text. It is video, infographics and even animations to make the marketing process more easily accessible to consumers.

  • Social Media Marketing: We mentioned some facts about social media at the head of this article. The trick part is to have the expertise and knowhow to tackle the problems of social media. Gone are the days of bullish marketing practices of forcible spamming. There is no better way to get a brand blacklisted on social media platforms! Our professional social media experts understand the mechanism of each social network in a unique way. Our marketing strategies are different for Facebook, Twitter and say, Instagram. Each strategy is defined by the quirks of the platform. This makes it possible for our team to ensure broader outreach without raising red flags anywhere along the way.

  • Search Engine Optimization: Searches have changed their definitions. The known parameters have smudged over and new ones have entered the fray. What it means is that traditional methods of searches have been debunked with immediate effect. With new technology seeing the light of day, like auto-prompt for searches on Google and searches conducted through smartphones and tablets, brands have to look at something different and new. 7boats.com steps up to the plate with a fresh, innovative approach to SEO. Our experts do not walk the beaten path but find out new ways to gather online dominance for your brand. With our team on board, you will be able to look at more control over searches and rankings, without upsetting the stringent best practices of the search engines.

  • Online Reputation Management: Online reputation management is one area that lay untouched till a couple of years back. Today, in 2015, it is a raging force, especially in a country like USA. Online users vent out their venom against brands and companies, justified and otherwise, and with each new post, the PR team faces an uphill task to manage the positive image of the brand. You need a brand expert to handle your online branding process and reputation. Clearly, reputation takes very little time to be dismantled, more so in a fiercely competitive scenario. With our team on your side, your online reputation is safer than ever before. You can depend on our experts to fight each negative rant with a positive post. We spread out our wings to social media networks, blogs and articles. It is an all-encompassing, comprehensive and exhaustive approach, leaving nothing to chance.

Other than these internet marketing services for USA, there are other as well, like PPC campaigns, bulk email and SMS marketing, video marketing through YouTube, and several others. Our team of experts are ready to answer your queries or provide detailed information and discuss online marketing strategies. With our team on your side, you need not worry about the digital marketing division of your brand and can focus on your core business area. Our team has a very tangible, data-centric approach and there are numbers to validate the work being done.

Get in touch with 7boats.com today and find out the internet marketing possibilities for your brand.

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